This 1973 sci-fi classic set in 2022 luckily missed its predictions… but 30 years from now…

Years go by and what was future a few decades ago is now present. A classic film from 1973, set in 2022, invites us to reflect on the world we live in.

In the 1970s and 1980s, it was common for Hollywood movie titles to be changed to completely different ones in Spanish. That’s why it may not ring a bell the classic sci-fi film Soylent Green, which premiered here with the incomprehensible title of When fate reaches us.

It is a film shot in 1972 that It is set in the year 2022., half a century later, as we are reminded Hobbyconsolas. Describe a disturbing future that fortunately has not been fulfilled…but could do it in a few decades.

When fate reaches us is starring the legendary Charlton Heston, and directed by the no less well-known director Richard Fleischer, which has filmed fantasy and science-fiction classics such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to Wonder, Conan the Destroyer, etc. This is the trailer for the movie:

In this dystopian future industrialization, pollution and global warming during the 20th century has led to an overpopulation, and the scarcity of water and food.

In the year 2022, 40 million people live in New York (actually it now has 8.5 million inhabitants). The upper class, isolated and elitist, is the only one that has access to natural foods, such as meat and vegetables.

The lower class crowd the streets, only has access to stagnant water, and feeds on Soylent yellow and Soylent red, a kind of concentrated paste.

The manufacturing company presents a new product, the Soylent verde, which ensures that it is made with plankton. But the seas are drying up and plankton are scarce, so the origin of this new food is a terrifying mystery…

Now they seem like the most normal thing in the world, but 30 or 40 years ago, viewers who went to the cinema and saw a mobile phone, virtual reality glasses or a 3D printer for the first time, were amazed. These are the film inventions that left us speechless.

When fate reaches us is considered a science fiction classic. His vision of a future worse than the present influenced later films such as Blade Runner or Terminator.

this haunting year 2022 imagined 50 years agoFortunately, it has not been fulfilled. But the justifications that the film raises to reach him, are real.

Global warming and climate change are underway, and we are doing nothing to prevent it. The price of food goes up, and some are in short supply in supermarkets.

Amazon’s most powerful streaming app player, with WiFi 6, Dolby Vision, and twice as fast.

There is more and more pollution more economic gap between the rich and the poor, and the world population is growing at a record rate. The Earth had 6,140 million inhabitants in the year 2,000, and in just 20 years we are already 7,900 million human beings.

Predictions of a polluted, overpopulated, water- and food-scarce world that reflect When fate reaches us, have not yet been fulfilled. But it is a terrifying scenario that cannot be ruled out 30 years from now.

It is in our hands to avoid it…