Mozilla is going to study how it spies on the controversial Facebook Pixel, and asks for your help

The Facebook Pixel is an advertising tool used to track users. Mozilla wants to know how it works, to put measures.

Mozilla is a company that has always stood out for giving priority to privacy and transparency. But with your browser Firefox, has to face the tangled Facebook spying and tracking techniques, and other advertising companies.

Long ago launched the extension Mozilla Rally, its own tracking system under permission, for research purposes.

Now, as explained Business Insider, has asked Firefox users to instalen Mozilla Rally to participate in a study together with journalists from Markup, which aims to discover how far the deep roots of the Facebook Pixel go.

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You may never have heard of him, but he sure is. on more than one occasion you have clicked on a hidden Facebook Pixel on a website, and they have tracked you with it.

The facebook pixel is a Meta advertising tool. It is no secret nor do they try to hide it, it even has your own official website.

Is about a code snippet that the owners of a website can install for free, in a specific area of ​​their page. Normally the purchase box for an item, places where users enter, the button to access a product file, etc.

Nowadays these Facebook Pixels are installed on millions of websites. In exchange for installing it for free, Facebook keeps the data they collect.

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When a page visitor taps on that pixel, Facebook generates a huge amount of information like what products they’ve viewed, how long they spend on each page, etc. the owner of the website uses to generate personalized advertising.

In return, Facebook keeps that data. If that visitor has a Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp account, or the rest of the company’s networks, adds this data to your advertising profile. If you don’t have an account, create a neutral one with a unique identification code, and add all the data.

That is to say, Whether or not you have accounts with Meta, it will track you the same…

Mozilla has partnered with Markup Journalists to study how the Facebook Pixel works, and the actual data it tracks.

Firefox users who install Mozilla Rally they give permission for Mozilla to track the same data as Facebook, with the intention of studying it. But Mozilla guarantees that they will be anonymized beforehand, will not be used for advertising or anything else, and will be destroyed when the study ends, in the middle of the year.

With this data Mozilla intends to strengthen the privacy of Firefox, to make things more difficult for the trackers that collect all our movements.