4 airlines have canceled their flights to the US due to 5G: there are concerns that it will interfere with planes

Problems with 5G in airports are emerging and some airlines have canceled their flights to the United States.

We have spoken many times about the paradigm shift that 5G will offer at all levels because of the vast amount of data that can be transferred with this technology. In Spain it is in full deployment and has also been a source of controversy in the United States, but at this time important problems are beginning to arise.

Yesterday afternoon four airlines announced that they are canceling flights to the US due to the deployment of 5G and the concern that it interferes with instruments on the same aircraft. These companies are Emirates, Air India, ANA and Japan Airlines.

Emirates has communicated that they are “suspending flights to the following US destinations. from January 19, 2022 until further notice“and listed nine airports in large cities that are affected, as published The Verge.

The same company will continue to operate with other airports and states that it is “working closely with aircraft manufacturers and relevant authorities to ease operational concernsThey hope to fix it soon.

The reasons that are alleged do not have to do in principle with trade wars or with privacy, but rather attend to security with the 5G Band C that is going to be activated.

Now you can stop worrying: the 5G connection is safe for your health. And not just anyone says it, but the highest scientific authority that in the last 20 years has been measuring and regulating the radiation of mobile phones.

This would use the range of 3.7 to 3.98 gigahertz (GHz) and its proximity to aircraft security systems, such as altimeters, which work between 4.2 and 4.4 GHz, according Forbes. So much so that it is discussed whether it is advisable to work with automatic landing.

Now the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the companies that are deploying these networks (AT&T and Verizon) will have to ensure that the security required by airlines is met.

for now, Verizon has communicated that they have decided “voluntarily limit our 5G network around airports“. More news is expected for the next few hours.
