A champ in LoL is so strong in 2022 that he got banned in every single match in Korea

The new professional season 2022 has begun in League of Legends. The LCK in South Korea is still the best league in the world. They have developed a preference for a hero who is considered so strong that they have achieved a 100% ban rate. We look at why Renekton is so feared

Which hero is it about?

  • It’s about the nasty crocodile Renekton, a feared top laner in League of Legends.
  • Renekton, “the butcher of the sands”, has been in League of Legends for 10 years. He entered the league on 1/18/2022.
  • It was last adjusted in September 2020, but nothing has changed in it for a year and a half. But changes to items and the meta affected him too.

LoL: Who is the best champion? Worlds 2021 Meta Champs

Krokodil can do everything – stun, gank, tank and tower dive

What makes him so special: Renekton is by far the most banned hero in the LCK in South Korea.

He has a pick and ban rate of 100%, with the pick rate being 0%. So it wasn’t even played in South Korea in 2022. The ban rate is 100%.

What makes him so strong? Renekton is considered the “most reliable stunner” in LoL. That always makes him a dangerous factor, believe the players on reddit. He is also considered a strong pick for the early game in LoL. In addition, he is relatively mobile, can gank well with his W, set traps and also convince in the endgame. He’s also relatively tanky. The crocodile is also ideal for tower dives.

He seems to make a good “blind pick” because he doesn’t require you to build a team around him, but is useful in many cases.

Now this is the fear: On reddit, some Renekton players are already having stomach ache because it looks like a nerf is waiting for them soon.

One player says: “That’s what makes Renekton everything”. If you take away his abilities – especially the stun, he’s no longer Renekton, then you could call him Steve right away.


The other top 5 champs in LoL 2022

Who is seen similarly strong in Korea?

  • The champ Twisted Fate was either played or banned in 97.4% of all games. He was actually played 3 times, he won all 3 games.
  • Cat Yuumi comes in 2nd place – she has a pick and ban rate of 92.1% – most of the time she gets banned. In 14 games she was allowed on the field.
  • Caitlyn is teetering in fourth place — with 86.8%, she also has a strong presence in the draft. Like Twisted Fate, she was constantly banned. You’ve only seen them in 5 games.
  • The hero Aphelios has a pick & ban rate of 81.6%: The special thing about him: He was picked in 65.8% of all games. So it is actually played.

In LoL there was quite a hype about a champ in January 2020:

LoL: Aphelios is the most banned champ in history – why is that?
