The most common mistakes that damage your car battery in winter

Emergency services reveal that the battery is the number one cause of car breakdowns in winter. And it is that although the temperatures themselves affect this, it is the driver who often creates these problems.

The cold is something that not only affects people, but also internal combustion vehicles. Engine and transmission oil become thicker and this makes it harder to turn.

This is why the battery has to work harder in winter to start the vehicle. If you don’t want to kill your battery this winter, you should avoid these common mistakes:

short trips

The moment we start the car is when the battery makes a greater effort. Therefore, if you make many short trips (less than 2 kilometers), you will shorten its useful life. It is especially noticeable in winter.

After working hard to start the engine in cold weather, needs time to recharge, but many people only drive the car for a short period of time, not long enough to replenish.

In winter, the driver also turns on the seat heating and window defogger, which makes the drainage even worse.

forget to turn it off

This is one of the most common mistakes and also not only affects in winter. The most classic mistake is forgetting to turn on the lights at night..

Typically, modern cars have an automatic shutdown system. Or at least a warning when you remove the key from the ignition. But if this is not the case, you must do your part and look closely before leaving.

Be careful not to leave it standing for a long time or outdoors

Extreme temperatures can cause the reaction inside the battery to be affected when you start it. At temperatures close to or below 0ºC, the chemical reaction slows down, causing its performance to decline and resulting in an unusual laziness in the startup phase.

At the moment of starting the car is when more energy is needed. Starting a cold engine, having to move all the mechanical parts with an oil that is more viscous than normal, demands a high tension to rotate.

Oxidation of battery terminals

In places where rain or snow is very abundant and there is an excess of humidity in the environment, battery terminals tend to oxidize. Many manufacturers have reinforced their insulation, but the humidity is often relentless.

If you live in an area with this type of climate, it is advisable that, as far as possible, that the car be parked in a garage. At least, during the most complicated months.

Although each battery has different characteristics, their life cycle is usually between 3 and 5 years, depending on its use. However, it is important that we monitor your charging system and the state in which it is every 10,000 kilometers.

What’s more, it is advisable that you measure the voltage in direct current with a voltmeter. The measurement must be greater than 12.1 or 12.2 volts to ensure the good condition of the battery. If you are not sure how to do it, it is advisable to go to a workshop.