“Not all the mountain is oregano”, the OCU warns about the dangers of supermarket condiments

From Europe, an investigation has been carried out on the authenticity of six spices and aromatic herbs, on suspicion of fraud. The study reveals the risk of adulteration in all of them, especially in oregano.

Despite the fact that food regulation in Europe is regulated to the extreme, products that do not have the relevant authorization often slip through. Either because they slip in or because, directly, they lie in the labeling.

For this reason The European Commission has been carrying out studies and research with different products for years, to see if what is sold corresponds to what is advertised. If you sell veal, it must be veal. Not chicken.

In this sense, the European Commission has just published a report on the authenticity of several aromatic herbs and spices that are marketed in the European Union.

It is the largest study of its kind ever carried out and has been carried out by the Joint Research Center (JRC). The results are very revealing and reveal the adulteration of this type of product, they explain in the TO FATHER.

The results were obtained from 1,885 products that the 21 EU countries sent to the research center for analysis. Norway and Switzerland also provided samples.

To determine the risk of fraud, several state-of-the-art complementary analytical techniques were used, until reaching a total of 9,926 analyses.

We have all experienced that conversation with parents, grandparents and uncles, where it was discussed which brand of appliance is better.

Most of the suspect samples contained undeclared plant material, which can be a risk, for example, for people sensitive or allergic to these other botanical species.

What’s more, unauthorized dyes were detected in 2% of the samples analyzed. However, in some of the spices, such as saffron, this problem has been detected more frequently (we found colorants not authorized by the EU in 12 of the 141 samples of saffron analysed).

There are more and more people outside planet Earth, and they are not just military or scientific. Sooner or later there will be a crime in space and then, who will judge it, if space belongs to no one?

The least adulterated spice is paprika and chilli pepper (6%), while the one that is most often falsified is oregano (with 48%) after pepper (17%).

The next time you go to the supermarket to buy spices, remember that you may be suffering from a scam. Pro unfortunately there is no way to know, hence the defenselessness of the consumer.
