Diablo 3: Your favorite classes for Season 26 from popular to unpopular

Diablo 3: Your favorite classes for Season 26 from popular to unpopular

Season 26 is now active in Diablo 3 and we asked you which class you play. You voted diligently and now determined the winners and losers.

What’s going on in Diablo 3? The new season 26 in Diablo 3 started on Friday, April 15th. With the endgame mode Echoing Nightmare, the new chapter offers you content that is worthwhile with the various classes.

As with every season, players are faced with the question of which class to compete with. Here we show you which class you definitely want to play in S26.

The most popular classes in Season 26

This was the poll: Here on MeinMMO we asked you which class you will play in S26. You could allocate one vote to one of the seven classes from Diablo 3.

This is how you chose: At 09:25 on April 16, 3,114 people took part in the voting. We show you the results:

  1. Demon Hunter with 1,060 votes, equal to about 34%
  2. Monk with 690 votes, about 22%
  3. Barbarian with 392 votes, about 13%
  4. Wizard with 320 votes, about 10%
  5. Necromancer with 249 votes, about 8%
  6. Witch Doctor with 217 votes, about 7%
  7. Crusaders with 186 votes, about 6%

You were particularly taken with the demon hunter class in Season 26. In the Tier List, she has the Marauder Turret build in the S tier. The advantage of this is that the Marauder set is a free gift from Haedrig as a starter set.

In the last place of your voting you will find the crusader. This class also has an S tier build with the AdT Skyfury, but that doesn’t seem interesting enough for you. By far, the demon hunter is number 1 in your ranking.

Do you stay with one class in Diablo 3 from the beginning to the end of a season or do you change from time to time? See the Season 25 leaderboard winners and losers here.
