WoW changes transmog rules: white and gray items become valuable


The transmog rules in World of Warcraft are relaxed. Soon you can look plain as hundreds of simple outfits are coming – and the fans are cheering.

Transmog is one of the most time-consuming and fun endgame features for many WoW players. Constantly creating new outfits and collecting more and more transmog items in the closet is a long-term goal, especially for “completionists”. So far there have been some hurdles and missing items – but they will be accessible soon.

What was the problem so far? Although the transmog system in World of Warcraft has expanded over the years and allowed more possibilities, there are still some limitations. One of the most annoying limitations – for many players – is the fact that World of Warcraft only saves the templates of items in the collection that are at least of rare (green) quality. This means that numerous gray and white items, for example from the first quest rewards or clothing that can be bought from traders, are not available for transmogrification.

This is especially annoying for those who would like a less heroic look for their character and want to dress more like a regular citizen of Azeroth.

Ion Hazzikostas, the game director of World of Warcraft.

What will be changed? In a group interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas, he spoke about changes to the transmog system.

Ongoing expansion and customization is something we definitely want to do in Dragonflight. Perhaps even before then, we’ll be incorporating many of the white and gray quality items into the transmog system, giving you many simpler, more dignified civilian-style outfits to choose from. We want to continue to bring more options for customization and self-expression.

This makes it clear: Most of the white and gray items should soon be found in the transmog collection, possibly already with the upcoming patch 9.2.5 – otherwise probably only with 10.0, the pre-patch for Dragonflight.

Community is excited: Although the change is comparatively small, there are many players who are happy about it. In the comments on wowhead alone, there are numerous transmog fans who comment positively:

  • “Holy F***. Finally, for me this is the best change ever!”
  • “Finally! I have tons of white items on my characters bench for right now.”
  • “I’m so glad I collected all the old starting gear before it was removed, there are some nice outfits in there.”

Anyone who wants to embody a somewhat “simple” hero who roams the vastness of Azeroth in rather ordinary clothing will soon be able to do so – without having to constantly carry these items around in their inventory.

What do you think of this change to the transmog system? What else should change to improve the feature?