Pokémon GO: Community Day “is no use if you can’t play” – Trainers want 6 hours back

Pokémon GO Velursi Costurso Shiny

At the weekend, the Community Day ran with Velursi in Pokémon GO – with a running time of three hours instead of the usual six. For many trainers, however, the event could not make up for this loss of time, despite bonuses.

What was that event? Community Day with Velursi ran on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. That gave Trainers just three hours instead of six to stock up on Verlursi Candy and hunt for Shiny’s – just like before, that is.

The developers had already announced the decision to scale back the Community Day to this time window in advance. This has already caused a lot of discussion among coaches.

In return, the Velursi Community Day should award bonuses such as triple Catch XP and even quadruple XP when near a particularly heavily used Lure Module.

There were also running challenges that gave you a reward for every kilometer, double catch candies and improved chances of Velursi XL candies.

Now the Community Day with Velursi is over. How did he get on with the coaches?

Pokémon GO Velursi Costurso Shiny
The hunt for Velursi was shorter than usual

“2:00 p.m. means I have to make an incision for PoGo”

How players react: In the Pokémon GO subreddit “The Silph Road”, trainers are currently exchanging information about the past day with Velursi.

Among other things, the many bonuses are praised, which made the day quite interesting – especially since you could also secure a new monster. But the majority of the reactions deal with the shortened time. Because: Many were apparently not able to take advantage of the good bonuses as they would have liked.

  • “Going back to a 3 hour community day is really frustrating and just hurts the community,” writes user TheMassonator (via reddit): I’m a total casual gamer and long community days were so much easier to find time for. Real shame and I hope they go back to longer days instead.
  • “I missed him. I would have at least played a little bit between 11am and 2pm. 0/10 C-Day; all the little bells and whistles don’t matter if you can’t play,” says user “dondon151“.
  • “I don’t really care how long the event is, but having to play at 2 p.m. spoiled the fun,” wrote another user (via reddit): “I’ve always been an 11 a.m. gamer. I get my shinies, eat lunch and then get on with my day as usual. 2pm means I have to make a cut in the middle of the day for PoGo so I only played 1 hour to get the two shinies I wanted. I only got one.”
  • “Overall, it felt like a boring event to me because I couldn’t attend within the hours Niantic tells me to,” writes user Kerby (via reddit): “My wallet thanks me because I didn’t end up spending $5 on the game like I usually do on Community Days.”

It is noticeable that those who were actually able to play the three hours obviously had some fun on Community Day. However, the 6 hour window gave you the opportunity to spread your playtime out more throughout the day rather than being “forced” into a shorter window to take advantage of the bonuses and spawns.

How do you see the topic? Did you take part in the Community Day, did you like it? Or did you have to sit out this time – maybe also because of the time? Tell us in the comments!
