10 things we do wrong in the bathroom that will surprise you

10 things we do wrong in the bathroom that will surprise you

We use the bathroom several times a day, for different reasons. We follow a series of routines when using it or cleaning it. And some of them are poorly done.

In it bath, as in most of the house, each one has its rules. Some pull the chain in one way, others use the towels in another…

Although it seems that all of them are valid if they fulfill their function, this is not the case. Some of them are poorly made, and we are going to explain whyaccording to doctors and cleaning experts who have compiled the web The Healthy.

For example,you wash your hands or body with hot water Why do you think that this way the soaping is more effective? In the case of the skin, it is not like that. Warm or cold water is just as effective at killing germs on your skin, plus it uses less energy and doesn’t dry out your skin as much as hot water.

Do you flush the toilet without closing the toilet lid? Big mistake. A study from the University of Arizona showed that the pressure of flushing water can launch fecal material 2 meters away, out of the toilet. Always close the lid before flushing.

Do you clean the bathtub or sink at room temperature? Cleaning products are most effective a few degrees Celsius above room temperature. Spray the bathtub or sink with very hot water before cleaning, so that the products work better.

Do you “squeeze” too much when sitting on the toilet? This can cause small anal fissures, and favor the appearance of the dreaded hemorrhoids. Take it easy and go slowly…

Most people use too much paper. Although it may not seem like it, toilet paper is abrasive and causes irritation. If you need to use more than two pieces of paper, switch to wipes.

Do you clean the toothbrush with just water? That doesn’t kill bacteria. Clean it from time to time by soaking it for half an hour in vinegar, which is antibacterial. And then rinse well to remove the taste, of course… Every 3 months, change the brush.

It is also very common rubbing too much while showering, because we believe that this way we will clean better. But again, skin is not like clothing, or a piece of furniture. It is not necessary to rub to clean it, because it loses its natural protection. Use a very soft sponge, or even soapy hands. That’s enough.

Do you clean your teeth by moving the brush up, or sideways? Both ways are not optimal. The best way is to hold the brush at a 45 degree angle up for the top row of teeth and down for the bottom row. This angle is optimal for cleaning below the gum line, where plaque often hides. Move it in small circles.

Most people don’t get enough light when they shower.. If we do not remove the soap completely, the foot dries out, and the acne worsens.

Do you dry yourself by rubbing the towel firmly all over your body? This way you are removing the protective barrier of the skin. The correct way to dry is by patting your skin with the towel.

Surely some of these tips will be very useful to you…
