Flight Simulator: World Update 9 brings Italy to life

Flight Simulator: World Update 9 brings Italy to life

from Oliver Jaeger
Microsoft’s Flight Simulator is waiting with the next World Update, which this time wants to make Italy tasty for the pilots. Included are four handcrafted airports and 105 points of interest. In addition, 20 Italian cities have been revised.

As of today, Microsoft and Asobo Studio are taking Flight Simulator players to Italy with the new World Update 9. The developers note that Flight Simulator version is required to experience the new free update. World Update 9 aims to bring the Mediterranean nation to life with expanded, richly detailed and immersive activities.

To do this, the Fligh Simulator team refined the new area with the latest geospatial data, including digital elevation modeling, aerial and satellite imagery, and triangulated irregular network (TIN) modeling of 20 cities, including Rome, Naples, Venice and Milan.

This can be seen with World Update 9 in Italy

Four new handcrafted airports are said to have been added to Flight Simulator by Gaya Simulations. These include Palermo Airport in Sicily, Sondrio and Bolanzo in South Tyrol and Marina di Campo on the island of Elba, known for Napoleon Bonaparte’s stay in exile there. Gaya Simulations also contributed 105 points of interest, eleven of which are in Malta. Mention should be made, for example, of the Arch of Constantine and the Pantheon in Rome, the San Siro Stadium in Milan (Guiseppe Meazza) and a number of castles, fortresses and cathedrals. Orbx Simulations Systems is also said to have improved the details of one hundred other airports.

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There are also three bush trips “The Apennines”, the “Sardinia Round Trip” and the “Sicily Trip”, in addition to three scenic flights over Venice, Rome and Florence and three landing challenges. If you download the full patch notes of World Update 9: Italy for Flight Simulator you can do this via the Website announcing the update make.

Source: Microsoft
