Age of Empires: Red Bull Wololo celebrates 25 years of AoE at Heidelberg Castle

Age of Empires: Red Bull Wololo celebrates 25 years of AoE at Heidelberg Castle

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the first Age of Empires, and the tournament Reb Bull Wololo wants to celebrate accordingly.

Under the name Reb Bull Wololo: Legacy, this year’s Age of Empires tournament will take place from October 21 to 30, 2022 at Heidelberg Castle.

What the program looks like

You can expect a series of 1v1 matches played in Age of Empires 1: Definitive Edition, Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Empires 4 games.

There will be numerous ways to qualify for the tournament, from direct invites to qualifying matches, community events and more.

More Age of Empires news:

Registrations for the Open Qualifiers in Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Empires 4 are already open.

Once again, it joins forces with various other companies that supply the technology for the event, including AGON (AOC), AMD and Backforce.

Registrations for the Open Qualifiers are possible here: