Apple III and the Last Netscape Browser (PCGH-Retro, May 19)

Apple III and the Last Netscape Browser (PCGH-Retro, May 19)

Apple shows the Apple III and Netscape the last browser – this happened on May 19th. Every day, PC Games Hardware dares to take a look back at the young but eventful history of the computer.

… 1980: The Apple III is introduced at the National Computer Conference in Anaheim, California. Depending on the equipment, the computer is said to cost between 4,340 and 7,800 US dollars and offers, among other things, a 2 MHz “fast” 6502A processor, a 5.25-inch floppy disk drive and 128 KiByte RAM.

… 2005: The latest version(s) of the Netscape browser will be released. First 8.0, then a few hours later 8.01, which also contains a few security updates that Firefox 1.0.4 also offers. It is the latter browser, based on the same basis, which, according to Netscape, is responsible for the discontinuation of its own software in addition to the reorientation of Netscape owner AOL. Netscape was the market leader in the early days of the Internet, later Microsoft’s worst adversary in the fight for Internet users.

• Curious: In 1987 an American received a patent for a device to keep a (disconnected) head alive…