God of War: Homer Simpson does well as God of War

Is there a God of War series coming to Amazon Prime Video soon?

God of War from 2018 was also released for the PC this year. As is often the case with PC titles, diligent gamers wasted no time developing some interesting mods for the title directly.

Bart instead of Boy: This Mod exchanges Kratos with Homer Simpson

God of War is in and of itself quite an emotional journey around the protagonist Kratos and his son Atreus. That doesn’t mean, however, that the title can’t be placed in a somewhat more absurd setting. With this premise probably made the modder Omega Fantasy to work and developed his The Simpsons mod for the action adventure.

Omega Fantasy’s work swaps the models of Kratos and Atreus with those of Homer and Bart Simpson. So the entire emotional story of the two can be lived through with a different father-son team. Furthermore, Omega Fantasy hired a few voice actors to repeat the characters. Homer is voiced by Benjamin Rudmar and Bart is voiced by June Briar. The YouTuber and voice actor Brock Baker also got a role in the mod. He sets the stranger to music, which was appropriately replaced here with Ned Flanders.

It’s not yet known if this mod will ever be playable, but Omega Fantasy’s work is impressive. While there are a few issues with clipping and the like, given that Krato’s physique is quite different from Homer Simpson’s, overall the mod looks very appealing.
