Destiny 2 Season 17: This is what awaits you in the season of the haunted

Destiny 2 Season 17: This is what awaits you in the season of the haunted

With a new trailer, Bungie heralds the season of the haunted, which begins tonight after the reset and ends on August 23, 2022.

New 3.0 skills and an exclusive dungeon

Shortly before, Bungie released the trailer for the coming season – of course, there’s a lot of excitement and hype building up here again. If everything goes well, you can already experience the new content today, May 24, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

In Season 17, Calius returns in his now-decayed Leviathan to seek the power promised by the pyramid ship that slumbers on the moon. In the process, many nightmares from the past are awakened that haunt anyone who stands in their way.

Why is season 17 worth it? Well, in the coming season, the solar abilities will also get a 3.0 update, which will behave similarly to the new void abilities from season 16. With the fire you fight against the dark nightmare figures.

A new dungeon also brings a breath of fresh air to the endgame. As in the previous season, this is no longer included in the pass by default. If you don’t currently own the digital deluxe edition of “Die Hexenjoeninin”, you will have to purchase the dungeon separately for 2,000 silver.

On May 27th at 11:00 a.m. you can attempt the new challenge for the first time, provided that you are equipped for the 1550 difficulty level. You can also enter the grandmaster dungeon on launch day. The new Nightmare Dawn activity is free to all Guardians.

Other Destiny 2 news:

Adjustments for weapon crafting and spruced up events

Bungie is also adjusting weapon crafting in Season 17. Therefore, to make the whole process go a bit faster from the Guardian’s hand, all Legendary Elements are being removed from the game – i.e. Ruinous Element, Powerful Element, Deft Element, Mutable Element and Sunken Element.

Destiny 2 events should also become more attractive in Season 17.

From the start of the season, you only have to use the neutral element and the exotic Ascendancy Alloy to craft weapons. In addition, every self-crafted one now gets a golden masterpiece frame.

Starting tonight, you can store 600 items in your safe instead of 500, so that you have enough space for the new rewards. Bungie also wants to make the old raids and dungeons more interesting and throws them into a weekly rotation with subsequent rewards with top loot.

The Crucible is also getting a little love with Rift mode, which will be playable for the first time on May 31st. On July 19th, the first campfire party awaits you – a small event intended to freshen up the heroes’ solstice a little. All subsequent events will receive a special event map with challenges, as well as new seals and titles.