Find Immaculate Heart in V Rising – How to get Enhanced Blood Essence?

Find Immaculate Heart in V Rising - How to get Enhanced Blood Essence?

V Rising and the resource management system can really make us ponder, since the individual materials can be pretty well hidden.

Some resources like stone blocks or wood are easier to obtain, but others like them Immaculate Hearts are not that easy to find. But where exactly do we find Immaculate Hearts?

With this solution you will learn where you can find Immaculate Hearts and what you have to consider when collecting them in order to get them as soon as possible Improved Blood Essence (Greater Blood Essence) to get.

V Rising: What are Immaculate Hearts?

What do I need to know about Immaculate Hearts? Speaking from the heart, there are various items in V Rising. the Tainted Hearts we find it everywhere. Many NPCs drop them. And the hearts in this game are not without. With them we can do a small amount make bloodwhen the going gets tough.

But it’s not just these low hearts. A Unsullied Heart falls into a completely different category.

And beware: Since they are so rare and rather difficult to obtain, you should do not use as a snack. You urgently need them for yours Castle. Because only with Immaculate Hearts can you build a throne, for example.

Where can I find Immaculate Hearts?

There is no locations, in which these Immaculate Hearts are found in abundance. But they basically keep dropping when you decide requirements Fulfills.

Immaculate Hearts drop when you Kills V-Bloodbearers or strong units. Of the blood altar serves as an aid in tracking down the higher tier V-Blood Carriers. These enemies drop such a heart. So get ready for battle.

These enemies are keeping Immaculate Hearts hidden. © Stunlock Studios

It applies that the higher the level of the enemies, the higher the probability of such a drop. You should be at least level 16 or higher. As a first point of contact you can use the Bandit Copper Mine visit. She is marked on the map, as are any V-Blood carriers you must fight.

What can I do with Immaculate Hearts?

Immaculate hearts are so important because you designate them for one quests needed – if you work through the quests at all.

Either way, as V Rising progresses, you come to a point where you have a majestic castle throne build to send your servants abroad. And speaking of servants. For the servant coffin we also need this material.

For a throne we need a total of four Greater Blood Essences, which we can craft with four or three (if you have the right floor in your castle) Immaculate Hearts. Without these hearts it is therefore not possible. This blood essence is also important for Expansion of the heart of the castlewhich can increase the size of your castle as a whole.

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By the way, you can find the Immaculate Hearts in the blood press convert to Greater Blood Essence.

You can complete these productions in the blood press:

  • 4x rat = 10x blood essence
  • 4x Tainted Heart = 60x Blood Essence
  • 4x Immaculate Heart = 1x Enhanced Blood Essence
  • 200x Blood Essence = 1x Improved Blood Essence
  • 4x Exquisite Heart = 1x Primeval Blood Essence
  • 12x Enhanced Blood Essence = 1x Primeval Blood Essence

Trick for collecting Improved Blood Essence

If collecting Immaculate Hearts is too much of a hassle for you, then there is another one little trickwhich also leads you to Improved Blood Essences.

There’s a V-blood carrier who has a certain recipe carries. This is a recipe that you can use to make the Greater Blood Essence in a different way.

So pick up the trail Tristan the vampire hunter up and turn it off. You can then use Improved Blood Essence 200 units of Blood Essence produce.

Worth knowing: Some upgrades, for example certain iron weapons, also require Greater Blood Essence, making the resource all the more valuable. So you should always be careful with this material and not waste it.