WoW: All important information about cross-faction instances

WoW: All important information about cross-faction instances

The war between Horde and Alliance is history. At least in part. With WoW patch 9.2.5 comes a feature that the heroes of World of Warcraft have been waiting for. According to Blizzard, the cross-faction instances are primarily intended to bridge the gap between the factions and allow players to play with friends of the opposing faction. This feature also gives players even more ways to pursue their favorite group content.

There is a lot that needs to be clarified in the WoW community. What rules apply in cross-faction instances? How can the players communicate with each other? And are there exceptions? The developers of WoW answer these important questions in one go Blog on the official site of World of Warcraft.

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group formation

To invite members of the opposite faction to a group, players must be BattleTag or Real ID friends, or members of a cross-faction Wow-Be community.

Players can find organized groups for Dungeons (Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic+), Raids, Rated Arenas and Battlegrounds, and Torghast in the Dungeon Finder. However, the group leader can limit the search to characters of the same faction if they wish.

Members of the opposing factions will continue to remain unfriendly outside of instances, even when grouped together. However, they can use group and raid chat, /speak (or /say) and /yell (or /yell) when nearby.

Upon entering a dungeon, raid, or ranked PvP match, all members are friendly to one another and can assist in combat, trade loot, earn shared achievements, and otherwise interact with one another as members of the same faction do.

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Guilds and random player activities like heroic dungeons, skirmishes, or random battlegrounds will remain open to only one faction.

Classic instances

The functionality of the cross-faction instance feature also applies to classic instances and is available at every tier. However, there are some older instances that cross-faction groups cannot enter due to faction-specific content. These instances are:

  • Trial of the Champion
  • Trial of the Crusader
  • Archavon’s Chamber
  • The Icecrown Citadel
  • Baradin Fortress
  • The Siege of Boralus
  • The Battle of Dazar’alor
  • Darkbreaker Citadel (Isle of the Exiled dungeon)

Wow (buy now ) Patch 9.2.5 will be released on June 1st, 2022. If you want to know more about the contents of the upcoming update, read our Comprehensive special with a large overview of patch 9.2.5 through.