Diablo Immortal: Will it also be released for consoles? “Never say never,” says Rod Fergusson

Diablo Immortal: Will it also be released for consoles?  "Never say never," says Rod Fergusson

Will Blizzard’s Diablo Immortal be released later for the consoles?

Recently, a PC version of the game originally planned only for iOS and Android was surprisingly announced at short notice.

Controller support is available

Diablo Immortal can be played with a controller on both PC and mobile devices if desired. Ideal conditions for an implementation on the consoles?

“I want to note that controller support and console support are very different things,” franchise general manager Rod Fergusson pointed out during a group interview I attended last week.

“Basically, I’m a never-says-never type of person, but we don’t have anything to announce or talk about today.”

“I think an important part of the controller support was that it’s meant to be mobile, so ultimately mobile and PC,” adds Principle Game Designer Joe Grubb.

“It was part of our franchise goal to bring Immortal to new audiences and make it more accessible to them. So it’s just another possibility because some players prefer to play with the controller. We got that feedback a lot during the beta . So the decision was much more about fulfilling that desire of players and giving them more ways to engage with Immortal.”

Diablo Immortal will be released on June 2, 2022 for PC, iOS and Android.
