League of Legends: Patch 12.10: The winners and losers of the new update

League of Legends (Taktik & Strategie) von Riot Games / Tencent

With the durability update, Riot Games is bringing some innovations into play. Coming with LoL patch 12.10, it literally breathes new life into a whole bunch of champions.

With the new update, the developer is taking on the adjustment of equal opportunities on a grand scale. Above all, Riot wants to make fights last a little longer. To achieve this, champions gain more health and withstand more damage overall. The team has reduced the healing, including in terms of Life Steal.

A good 15 champions are clearly benefiting from the LoL patch, for others the update is more of a blow.

Post LoL patch: Win 15 champions

Databases such as the website u.gg map the win rates of the “League of Legends” champions in detail. Reddit user Zoilken grabbed the current data and combined it with that from before the most recent patch compared. We show which champs seem to have improved with the update. You can also see the respective positions in brackets – i.e. top, jungle (Jgl), middle (Mid), AD-Carry (Adc) and support (Sup).

The winners of the new LoL update:

champion winrate before winrate after
anivia 51.65% (Mid) 56.76%(Mid)
Aurelion Sol 52.77%(Mid) 55.30%(Mid)
fire 48.47% (Mid) 54.26% (Mid)
Camille 49.93% (Top) 52.00% (Top)
Gragas 49.39% (yo) 51.65% (yo)
Graves 49.90% (Mid) 53.00% (Mid)
gwen 48.00% (Top)
48.32% (yo)
50.62% (Top)
51.58% (Years)
kayle 52.02% (Top)
52.08% (yo)
54.36% (Top)
54.35% (Mid)
senna 48.32% (Adc)
52.55% (Up)
51.12% (Adc)
54.89% (Up)
Seraphine 52.56% (Adc) 56.63% (Adc)
Shyvana 51.24% (yo) 55.44% (yo)
Taliyah 49.07% (Super)
49.97% (yo)
52.84% (Mid)
51.38% (Up)
53.53% (yo)
55.02% (Mid)
Twitter 47.87% (yo) 50.25% (yo)
Vel’Koz 51.21% (Mid) 53.23% (Mid)
Victor 49.91% (Mid) 51.96% (Mid)
