V Rising: How To Make A Fishing Rod And Catch Fish (Guide)

If you want to become the greatest bloodsucker in the moonlight and plan to build your own empire of the undead, you also need in V Rising a lot of resources. And a clever vampire knows that everything that crawls and flees raw materials can deliver, too fishes. But to be able to catch them, you need one first fishing rod.

This one almost relaxing work is not only good for your state of mind, it also delivers all kinds of materials, which you need to build your empire. In this Guide we’ll tell you how to make one fishing rod can make and how you do it Tool profitably so that you can really produce everything.

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V Rising: How to get a fishing rod

Tear with your teeth, maul with your claws, or slash at it with your weapon? no who to catch fish want, have to, for better or for worse make a fishing rodget one fishing spot search and catch the aquatic vertebrates as countless humans and undead have done before.

Unfortunately, your character knows in V Rising not exactly what a fishing rod looks like or even works, so you need one recipewhich tells you how you make a fishing rod can. To get this coveted item, you must complete the V Blood Rufus the foreman defeat, a Level 20 bosswhich can be challenged quite early in the game.

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Rufus holds on at a camp in the Farbanen Woods up and put up comparatively little resistance. Check out our guide for more information on this boss fight Find and Defeat All 37 Boss Locations: V Bloods – Location of every boss in the gamewhere we tell you exactly where Rufus is and how to defeat him.

But you will not only receive from the foreman the blueprint for the fishing rodbut also a guide, like her make a wooden bench can. Practical, because you need exactly this tool to build a fishing rod at all to be able to After the fight, return to your hiding place and look in the tab craft after the wooden bench, which costs the following materials:

  • 12x boards
  • 60x animal skins

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V Rising: How to make a fishing rod

Once you have set up the wooden bench, you still need certain resources to produce the coveted fishing rod and catch fish with it to be able to To be precise you need 8x boards, 4x copper bars and 4x coarse threads. You can easily get copper bars by Copper Ore in Furnace breaks down

Unfortunately, you cannot produce coarse threads yourself, but the first, simple opponents will already drop such materials, you only have to collect them. the bandit camp are a good source to get this resource. Besides, you will find coarse thread often at the corpses your human sacrifices.

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V Rising: How Fishing Works

Basically you can at every water point in the game cast your line and catch fish, but there are certain places where you have better chances than others. Looks for ponds, lakes and rivers that waves on the surface exhibit. The calmer the water, the worse the place than source of fish.

Most good fishing spots you can find in the Colored woodsthe Silverlight Hills and in Dunley farmland. Have you found a good place and equipped your rod, click with the right mouse button onto the foaming water and just wait a moment. begins the water to shinepresses the left mouse button.

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If the timing is right, you pull a fish out of the water, which then automatically in your inventory lands. In any case, make sure beforehand that you have enough space in your inventory, otherwise the whole action was for naught and you only have time wasted unnecessarily.

It’s definitely worth the effort, because fish are for your vampire no food sourcebut full of important resources such as fish oil, herringbone and shed. All of these materials are required for you various crafting recipes. Sometimes fish also contain random items like blueprints, cosmetic items, scrap metal and other items.
