Editorial (May 2022) – News

Editorial (May 2022) - News

The train is coming. The special too


This May editorial (sic) deals with very topical issues – such as a print-making-of – even if one or the other reference to GamersGlobal might only reveal itself at second glance.

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What you can’t learn from these days: A tax cut for petrol of 35.2 cents leads to a real price reduction of approximately plus (!) 14.8 cents – i.e. to a delta of 50 cents. Because the mineral oil companies a) don’t pass on the relief in full, that would be crazy, b) raised the prices again shortly before the “relief”, c) for three months they have raised end customer prices more than crude oil prices justify, because “it it’s war”, d) you take it for granted shortly before the Pentecost weekend and whatever it is, people pay for it, otherwise the holiday won’t work. I’m writing this without my own acute dismay, I last filled up my Opel in early May. Or was it the end of April?

Alright, let’s take the train! The 9-euro ticket is here, and I’m writing without acute dismay, my last regional ticket was from Munich Airport to Ostbahnhof by S-Bahn and cost 12.70 euros for the half-hour journey. One-way! If I had gone a few days later, I could have saved 3.70, that doesn’t make the cabbage fat anymore either.

What does this have to do with GamersGlobal or computer games? Experience that Premium users after the 5-euro ticket inspection, which is about to take place. In addition, today there is a very long digression on the subject of reed making. So what about print.

But in general: Driving through Germany for 9 euros? Excellent! Various newspapers and online magazines have tried to find out through surveys who is using the ticket and whether it has brought new passengers to public transport. Answer 1: Primarily those who already use the train anyway. Answer 2: Yes, that too. In fact, many trains were full, i.e. even fuller than usual. As it turns out, surprisingly, less…


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