Diablo Immortal – test, role-playing game

Really atmospheric: As a mobile game, Diablo cuts a really good figure visually.  (Screenshot: Android / Google Pixel 6)

Dark omens

The baton about Diablo Immortal was actually broken at the moment of the announcement. Do you remember BlizzCon 2018? At the latest after the “Red Shirt Guy” became a meme hero with his question about a “late April Fool’s joke” and the legendary question “don’t you have any phones?!” from chief developer Wyatt Cheng led to an internet outcry was clear – that will be tight with the fan encouragement. And you could also say four years later: Quite rightly so!

Really atmospheric: As a mobile game, Diablo cuts a really good figure visually.  (Screenshot: Android / Google Pixel 6)

Really atmospheric: As a mobile game, Diablo Immortal cuts a really good figure visually. (Screenshot: Android / Google Pixel 6)

Maybe that’s why the development of the Mobile Diablo took exactly these four more years. And maybe that’s exactly why a PC beta for the action role-playing game turned up coincidentally to coincide with the release. Still, Diablo Immortal doesn’t shake its reputation of being little more than a cheap rip-off attempt. Given the recent six-figure news for a top character, that’s understandable. But how much game is there really in this potential dime grave? And above all: what’s the point, the excitement?

A Diablo at heart

The operation on the PC is not quite optimal.  The menus are too big, the camera is too close.

The operation on the PC is not quite optimal. The menus are too big, the camera is too close. (Screenshot: PC)

I can tell you one thing directly: Diablo Immortal is more than just a fantasy casino or a payment simulator. At least at first glance. Because NetEase has really made every effort to bring the inimitable Diablo feeling in its essence to mobile devices. And the Chinese have achieved the feat of keeping the action role-playing game pleasantly playable at all times, even on the small screen. With its rich colors and overloaded effects, the backdrop is reminiscent of Diablo 3 – but in a pretty way! If there is one game that impressively demonstrates the visual quality with which the frowned upon mobile games will emerge in 2022, then it is Diablo Immortal. From gloomy tombs to dusty deserts, from fireballs to necromancer death scythes: visually and aurally Diablo Immortal atmosphere bleeds. And yes: Deckard Cain is of course there again.

If you’re like me and Diablo Immortal isn’t available on your older smartphone or tablet, you should check out our sister magazine Imtest.de. Here you can find current tests for smart phone and tabletson which you can get the action role-playing game running in a relaxed manner.

Provided you have an up-to-date device, the battles run at up to 120hz and with a stable internet connection without any disconnections or lags. Because yes – ironically, the first mobile Diablo is also the first true Diablo MMO. You are always on a server with your character, you will always meet other players in the hub cities and in the wilderness and of course there is a whole bunch of content with group dungeons, instances, clans and co the interaction with other players is worthwhile. Trouble-free lobby systems, groups that remain intact even with one of the rare disconnects and a completely seamless progression between PC and smartphone make the entire gaming experience incredibly comfortable and unproblematic. Incidentally, there are five classes in Diablo Immortal from barbarian to necromancer. In addition, a nice character editor – and quite a lot of really chic loot.
