Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Remaster could almost pass as a remake

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Remaster could almost pass as a remake

from Karsten Scholz
In the course of the anniversary stream for Final Fantasy 7’s 25th birthday, those responsible for Square announced a remastered version of the PSP classic Crisis Core. In a video you can now see what changes, especially graphically, in the new edition.

While most of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy parts have so far only received remastered versions so that they run properly on current platforms (higher resolutions here, 60 frames per second there, plus maybe new options or a New Game+), got the Playstation original from Final Fantasy 7 with an extensive Remake in 2020 (under review) given a radical modernization. Although, if we are precise, only a third of this has been carried out so far. Part 2, Rebirth, is scheduled for release in winter 2023.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7: Trailer shows Remastered for PC, PS, Xbox, Switch

Almost a remake for Crisis Core

Parallel to Rebirth, the people responsible for Square also had one on the anniversary stream for Final Fantasy 7’s 25th birthday Remastered version titled Reunion for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 announced. This new edition is scheduled to be released this coming winter for Playstation, Xbox, PC and Switch.