GG internal: Server move today from 11:00 p.m. – News

GG internal: Server move today from 11:00 p.m. - News

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The database trucks, video palettes, bit relocation helpers and byte schedulers are ready, because today from 11:00 p.m we are moving to the cloud with our GG server. To where the little stars go to sleep, so to speak. At 12:00 a.m., Fabian Knopf will try to get Jörg Langer to make the correct new DNS entries in the right places via remote support. While one server is being transferred to the other virtual server, the hard-working domain name servers around the world can exchange the new IP, so you should be able to reach us again on time for breakfast on Monday morning.

By the way: The “This is how we test” link under the tests that we announced as a little something has been there for a long time, directly in the rating box. Maybe we’ll make them a little more conspicuous…