Modern Warfare 2: Images of numerous maps may have leaked

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 should on October 28, 2022 for the PC, the PS5, the PS4, the Xbox Series X/S and the Xbox One come on the market. Accordingly, both the anticipation and the reports and rumors about the new part of the series are increasing. The second category also fits that apparently the first pictures from the multiplayer leaked from Modern Warfare 2. While the original post has already been deleted, the images continue to circulate on platforms like Imgur. Among other things, the maps “Grand Prix”, apparently a racetrack as a battlefield, “Oilfield” and “Museum” are shown. There is also a picture from the map “Saba”, about which, however, almost nothing is known. Three other “Ground War Maps” were also presented in the course of the leak. Hydro, Fishtown and Sira seem to be in quite tropical climes.

More leaks in the future?

The original leaker also stated that he would have footage of numerous other maps. He titled this as Dogtown, Esports Gym, Exhume, Fallout, Favela, Firing Range, Floating Bay, Killhouse, Lighthouse, Luxury, Mountain Town and Narcos. The name Favela in particular should make fans of the original sit up and take notice. After all, a map of the same name was in the original Modern Warfare 2 from 2009.

When and if we will see more pictures is currently unclear. The images that are supposed to show the maps already mentioned are probably from Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. Not much is known about Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer. Accordingly, the first possible images of the multiplayer maps are of great interest to many.