Weekend Reading Tips 7/2022: Time for Tears – News

Weekend Reading Tips 7/2022: Time for Tears - News

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The GG barbecue is over, then it’s time for the reading tips. Especially if you received some directly in a personal conversation (okay only announced, but these were handed in promptly, thanks again to Robokop). In the last month, among other things Diablo Immortal stirs tempers, so it has to find an impact here too, namely in the better alternatives. Apart from that, we look at how gambling can help to cope with grief, whether game instructions are rightly no longer included and whether the self-regulation of the gaming industry in terms of microtransactions is a mistake.

Action RPGs that are better than Diablo Immortal
golem.de on June 30th, 2022, by Rainer Sigl

First of all, a topic that concerned me myself. After Diablo was on it, of course I had to test Diablo Immortal myself. Since I felt like I was killed by the in-game advertising within a very short time, a suitable compensation had to be found. I actually stumbled across one of the titles and have already fallen for it. Perhaps there is still a suggestion for the game checks here?

Disappointed of blizzards Pay to Win Diablo? These current RPGs for mobile and PC are the better alternatives. This is probably how many players have felt in the past few weeks: first curiously played Diablo Immortal, then a little sucked into killing monsters and leveling up – and then deleted because of pay-to-win. Immortal is now uninstalled, but the desire for fantastic role-playing adventures remains. What to do? The answer is simple, because the selection of alternatives without rip-off is huge. Of course there are still the classics of the genre, from the other Diablo to genre mates – Titan Quest, Grim Dawn or Van Helsing as well as free-to-play counterparts like Path of Exile.

Interview: Gambling and computer games against grief
indeon.de on 06/27/2022, by Carina Dobra

How to get from Diablo to grief and grief management? Actually quite easy but let’s leave the bashing. In the average age group of GG users, many have probably already experienced death and grief. This interview deals with the question of how computer games fit together with grief and coping with grief.

How do death and grief work in computer games? And what role can gambling play in coping with grief? An expert gives tips. What game did you play last? Some of our editorial staff also play games on their cell phones on a regular basis. And if you look at the numbers, 40 percent of Germans gamble regularly. It’s not always just about wasting time. Arno Goergen is a cultural scientist and says: Some computer and video games can help with mourning.

Game Guides | Sorely missed or completely superfluous?
welcometolastweek.de on May 14, 2020, by Benja Hiller

Nowadays, computer games usually only come with razor-thin instructions, if at all. But that was not always so. In the past, small manuals were common, thick and mostly lovingly designed. The time until the game was installed or until you had time to play it at all, because you were still at school, for example, was spent reading the instructions and so the anticipation was fueled right away. Why are the instructions now missing and is that bad?

Game instructions used to come with every video game. But where are they? Laziness, cost savings or another reason? Christmas 1991, it’s Boxing Day. You sit impatiently at the big table between grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, cousins ​​and keep glancing over into the living room. Under the lavishly decorated tree lies a small square package bearing your name. You look over your packed plate and throw an anguished questioning expression at Mama. The probably too obviously resonating “When finally?” she acknowledges with a look at your plate, which must be something like “Eat up!” should be called.

From the GamersGlobal archives: Diablo 3 review
gamersglobal.de on May 18, 2012, by Jörg Langer

After Diablo Immortal upset so many players, a look at the test of Diablo 3 exciting. Who else remembers the opinion of the editors on this title? Was criticism appropriate here, too, or was there only praise from the editors?

Testing Diablo 3 is about the most thankless thing for a game editor: no pre-review pattern, five classes with around 20 hours of gameplay per playthrough, heavy balance changes in the 2nd playthrough, random elements for everything and everything. Above all, fans and haters made up their mind months ago. Let’s go!

Try before buy: The fascination of shareware games
videospielgeschichten.de on July 2, 2022, by Kevin Puschak

In the time before everyone had fast internet and even absurd file sizes were rarely a problem, there were not only software demos, but also so-called shareware. In the context of games, these were often titles that could be played to a limited extent, similar to today’s demo. Shareware can be turned into a full version against payment.

In the world of PC computer games, they abounded in the early 1990s: shareware games. Small development teams developed limited titles and offered players to get a full version for little money if they liked their work. This principle of disclosure has not really disappeared completely. However, the voyage of discovery that followed was more exciting.

‘Diablo Immortal’ Shows Self-Regulation Is a Failure in the Games Industry
vice.com on 07/05/2022, by Trone Dowd

One last time we take a look at Diablo Immortal in these LT’s. The game gained notoriety for its outrageous prizes that are called out in places. In the case of loot boxes, the question has been asked in many countries as to whether gambling is not prohibited. Since then, there have also been calls for regulation in classic free-to-play games in order to put greedy companies in their place. Did Blizzard unwittingly fuel this discussion with Diablo Immortal?

Just weeks after its launch, Diablo Immortal is getting slammed over how much money early adopters have lost to the game’s widely hated “pay-to-win” model, where players are encouraged to spend money on more powerful items. Twitch streamer Quin69 made headlines after he blew NZ$25,000 (roughly $15,000) trying to get a 5-star legendary gem in Diablo Immortal—only to delete his character days later. “Fuck this dogshit game. Seriously, fuck Blizzard. Everyone, delete your accounts,” he said.

Video tip: Documentary about Popcult Japan
ardmediathek.de on 06/16/2022

The editors are currently planning a trip to Gamescom or whether and how strong it will be there. Michael Stallion also left out extensively whether this event is still worthwhile at all. What you see there a lot are cosplayers. Where does cosplay actually come from? This documentary explores these and other questions.

In the video: The Secrets of Monkey Island & LucasArts – Tami Borowick Interview (LucasFilm Games Legend)

The one interviewed here Tammy Borowick tells about the development of The Secret of Monkey Island and his successor.

A big thank you goes this time to the tipster Robokopp, SupArai, Johannes and Jurgen. Thanks for your support!

You can make Q-Bert, Johannes, Jürgen and Necromanus particularly happy with your reading tips and videos for the next issue. Just send us a message and next time you’ll read the thanks.
