WoW: After the MDI is before the Great Push – return with new dungeons

WoW Dragonflight: Alexstrasza (In-Game)

Normally, big esports events are always in the PvP area. Those responsible at Blizzard have been trying for years to establish PvE as an esport. If you look at the viewership numbers or the community response, in the case of Mythic Dungeon International they succeeded. When the world’s best dungeon players compete against each other, numerous viewers regularly tune in. So it was only too understandable when the guys from Blizzard introduced another format called “Great Push” a short time later.

Unlike the MDI, which is all about completing the dungeon as quickly as possible, the Great Push is all about the height of the Keystone. Of course, time still matters, as only runs that are completed within the time limit count. However, the winner is not the group that was fastest, but the group that was able to successfully master the highest key.