Getting Over It: HandOfBlood is naked in the cauldron and we can’t get over it

HandOfBlood is considered one of largest German YouTuber and inspires his viewers again and again with new ideas. Now the streamer even has it closed international fame made. All he had to do was sit half-naked in a cauldron and swing an oversized hammer. What’s behind the crazy action?

One or the other might like the game Getting Over It (Steam) know. In the platformer developed by Bennett Foddy, the Game character Diogenes to climb a mountain. Problem: He’s in one boiler and only has one big climbing hammer at hand. Sounds easy, looks fun, but requires a lot of feeling and, above all, patience.

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HandOfBlood really breaks a sweat

It is inconceivable that there are people who do this now using motion control try. HandOfBlood puts the crown on the whole scenario and puts itself in a cauldron for it. Despite shirtless torso he gets sweat pretty quickly and soon squats literally in its own broth.

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To initial difficulties HandOfBlood gradually gets a feel for his mighty hammer and swings it that way over all sorts of obstacles away. Great fun for all viewers! Less, however, for the YouTuberwho thanks to his own bodily vapors too fight with a fly got to.

HandOfBlood philosophizes in the cauldron

“Getting Over It” already takes care of that on the computer some outburst of anger. That moment when, after what feels like an eternity, you finally obstacle overcome has and then again by an uncontrolled movement meters back catapulted is just incredibly painful.

So it is only too understandable that HandOfBlood gets angry at times and his anger with a loud one “Crap” air makes.

When asked if he was a fulfilled life have, HandOfBlood replies: “It’s all a matter of perspective. Sometimes you’re the tree, sometimes the dog, sometimes you’re squatting naked in the cauldron. It all sucks.”

His video has now been viewed over 76,000 times. HandOfBlood likes it dressed up as Diogenes not over the big mountain have done. Nonetheless, he even achieves with his latest video international notoriety. So report among other things PC gamers and DualShockers by the German YouTuber im Kessel.