Lollipop Chainsaw Remake: Fans fear censorship, producers appeased

Lollipop Chainsaw: Weird cult game returns - also on PC?  (1)

We recently reported that Lollipop Chainsaw will be making a return. This is a Remake of the original, which is scheduled to hit the market in 2023. This announcement raised doubts among some fans. Would content from the cult game, which came onto the market in 2012, possibly be deleted? Now commented on this Yoshimi Yasuda, the producer of the project, on Twitter. Yasuda spoke about various concerns that fans have had since the remake was announced.

Will the story be cut?

The primary goal of Lollipop Chainsaw Remake is to allow players who want to play Lollipop Chainsaw to simply do so, not create a new Lollipop Chainsaw“, says Yasuda. According to the producer, a remaster version would have been ideal, but 16 licensed songs that are important for the atmosphere could not be installed. Accordingly, the goal of the remake is now to come as close as possible to the original. The Again, the story of the game should not be changed.

After all, according to Yasuda, in the eyes of the development team, this is what fans love about the game. In the original announcement of the remake, the producer spoke of a more realistic graphic style. He corrected this with the comment that he was simply more modern Technologies for rendering meant. To the design of the protagonist Juliet Starling reported Yasuda:

We don’t want to change Juliet’s design, and there’s no basis for the assumption that we do. Ten years ago, we were the ones who created Julia’s model after a lot of trial and error, and accordingly we feel a greater bond to her than any outsider.”