Twitch streamer Unge describes the young US star as an animal abuser – gets tons of hate messages

Twitch streamer Unge describes the young US star as an animal abuser – gets tons of hate messages

The great German Twitch streamer Simon “Unspiel” Wiefels criticized one of the hottest content creators at the moment: Darren “IShowSpeed” Watkins Jr. With the criticism, Wiefels attracted a huge wave of hate.

Who are the streamers?

  • Unspielt or simply called Unge is one of the biggest German streamers on Twitch. On average, 6,000 people watch his broadcasts and he is followed by around 1.3 million people.
  • He became known for the block game Minecraft and his Let’s Plays. He has been following his “unclicked” format for years, where he reacts to a wide variety of content from social media and gives his opinion on it.
  • IShowSpeed ​​is a 17-year-old American YouTube streamer who has nearly 10 million subscribers on the platform. The recordings of these broadcasts usually get over 1 million views.
  • Watkins is known for being particularly loud on his streams. He usually acts hyper and screams around. The community thinks he’s acting a role.
  • In a past YouTube stream, IShowSpeed ​​played Fall Guys while yelling in his dog’s ear. Un criticized the action and described him as an animal abuser.
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Unge called IShowSpeed ​​an animal abuser

How is the situation? On July 15th, YouTuber IShowSpeed ​​was live, playing Fall Guys with his dog perched on his lap. As the streamer busted just short of the finish line, he yelled at his dog, held him, and yelled, “Oh, your butt stinks!” a few times, after which he put him down.

Un criticized Watkins’ behavior and said that it was pure stress for the animal and described him as an animal abuser.

You can see Unge’s tweet along with the clip from IShowSpeed ​​here:

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Unge after the criticism: “I’ve rarely received so many hate messages”

What happened afterwards? Less than 24 hours later, Wiefels called again Twitter. He wrote that he rarely got so many hate messages and had to block people.

He further stated that just because a “person is all the hype and has a lot of infatuated fans right now,” he doesn’t get intimidated. It makes a lot of people defend IShowSpeed’s behavior.

What did the community say? Under the critical tweet by Unge, two factions actually accumulated: those who agreed with Wiefels and those who thought that he was exaggerating:

  • Baso wrote: “Simply animal cruelty, holding the dog like that and yelling at the volume. This is the guy who previously went viral with a Valorant clip where he insulted a fellow female player. Some people should go back into nature and touch grass…”
  • However, Kmx says, “Well, I’m not sure if that’s directly labeled as animal cruelty.”
  • wave simply also thinks: “You can also make an elephant out of a mosquito. He was a little louder for a moment. Everyone has been too loud in the presence of an animal. However, this is Speed, which you don’t like and you have to publicly call him an animal abuser.”
  • Arri said: “There is no need to discuss that this is not possible. But the comments here partially. This shows that this tweet was spot on. Just to enlighten. It’s a pity that it needs that.”

In the past, IShowSpeed ​​has been criticized for panicking one of his other dogs while sitting on his lap (via YouTube). And even with the current Fall Guys clip, some Watkins viewers wrote in the chat that it was animal cruelty.

Unge partially replied to the commenters and blocked some people. He also sees this as clear animal cruelty and continues to stand by the opinion.

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