Coming soon to Steam: medieval building game with “most detailed farming system ever”

Coming soon to Steam: medieval building game with "most detailed farming system ever"

Farthest Frontier will start in Steam Early Access in just a few days after working on the building game for several years. Crate Entertainment is known from the action role-playing game Grim Dawn, which has been available since 2016 ensures very high user ratings.

EA release already on August 9th

In total, Early Access will last between 4 and 8 months and will depend on how great the developers’ need is to “change gameplay systems or expand the scope of the game before we can call it finished”. For the EA version of Farthest Frontier, all core systems and functions should already work and there is talk of ten hours of gaming fun. Players begin with settlers in the wilderness and progress through four stages of city building and defense against raider raids.

Similar to Banished, Farthest Frontier should allow players to build a settlement in an uninhabited wilderness. To do this, you build a city with up to 50 building types that can be improved. You protect your people, harvest resources (up to 14), catch fish and farm in a medieval setting. You also produce craftable items (up to 32) that can be traded or equipped to survive against the elements or enemy armies. If you don’t want to fight, there’s a pacifist mode.

Farthest Frontier: Screenshots from the building game

Coming soon to Steam: Medieval City Builder from Grim Dawn developer (4) <span class="sourceLinkwrapper">[Quelle: Crate]</span>” src=”×214/2022/07/ss_f046aa92e9897bb54a9da2cebc37fb54009b2d24-pcgh.jpg” width=”380″ height=”214″/><br />
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Coming soon to Steam: Medieval City Builder from Grim Dawn developer (1) <span class="sourceLinkwrapper">[Quelle: Crate]</span>” src=”×214/2022/07/ss_691b312ec962a150ea807fc28e896b8bf08d941c-pcgh.jpg” width=”380″ height=”214″/><br />
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Coming soon to Steam: Medieval City Builder from Grim Dawn developer (2) <span class="sourceLinkwrapper">[Quelle: Crate]</span>” src=”×214/2022/07/ss_64247a8e4240ba3ded71353f516604c7804e9bdc-pcgh.jpg” width=”380″ height=”214″/><br />
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Coming soon to Steam: Medieval City Builder from Grim Dawn developer (3) <span class="sourceLinkwrapper">[Quelle: Crate]</span>” src=”×214/2022/07/ss_a8bc77cfb2f5184b70e5eeefbe6d0cb23219cbba-pcgh.jpg” width=”380″ height=”214″/><br />
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<p>Great importance is attached to the cultivation system, which is said to be the “most detailed of all times”.  It does this by strategically selecting from ten plants with unique growth traits and “configuring crop rotations to preserve soil fertility, avoid heat and frost damage, and prevent disease build-up.”  You work the fields over time, removing weeds and stones, increasing fertility and adjusting the soil mix.  Important points are also the high replayability.  No two games should be the same as the terrain and resource distribution are randomly generated.  Extreme maps are also possible and the difficulty levels include everything from “idyllic to brutal”.</p>
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Farthest Frontier with settler effect

In the city simulation, there is the settler effect when villagers carry goods from remote workplaces around the city to process them into materials and items. You can see food and goods being delivered to your home or trading post, or being stored for later use. Interacting with the environment sees players caring for trees for sufficient groundwater, but also erecting fences to keep deer off the fields and bears from plundering the supplies.

Finally, as a master builder, you have to be careful that there are no outbreaks of dysentery, cholera or scurvy. The right clothes will help reduce the risk of contracting tetanus, rabies or frostbite. It is also important to protect yourself from enemy armies by developing wooden palisades or stone walls, towers and barracks and recruiting soldiers who are well equipped to defend your own city.