Too many updates – is the developer destroying the game for casual fans?

CoD expert JGOD next to the new Vargo 52 assault rifle from Warzone

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Of: Philip Hansen

Warzone gets weekly updates. What is supposed to help the game harms the normal players. Many get upset about the constant patches.

Santa Monica, California – Season 4 of Warzone has brought many innovations. But casual gamers are fed up with the constant patches that render their lovingly leveled weapons useless. They accuse publisher Activision of making the grind unbearable for the ever new best weapons. Normalos simply can no longer afford the meta setups of the pros.

Warzone players complain: New season is “too difficult” for casuals

This is why updates cause trouble: Season 4 has been running in Warzone since June. Developer Raven Software is working diligently with patches to ensure that the balance in Battle Royale is right. Updates nerf (weaken) a meta weapon here, buff (improve) an insider tip there and actually bring a breath of fresh air to Warzone. But more and more normal players, so-called casuals, are complaining that these updates and changes to the Meta Warzone are breaking them.

The constant meta changes caused by updates ensure that the majority of players can no longer play the best weapons. Sometimes updates come to Warzone several times a week and nerf the meta, so ensure that you should play other weapons in order to be optimally equipped.

What casual players are saying: If you thought to yourself: “Hey, I feel the same way about the constant updates“, then you are not alone in Warzone. Threads are springing up on social platforms like reddit complaining that changing metas due to new weapons are making the game incredibly difficult for casual gamers.

We read there, for example, that fathers with a job (and mothers, I’m sure, too) just want to relax in Warzone after a hard day’s work. But in Season 4 they are subject to the new top weapons, which change with every update.

The hard-working player bemoans that he “no time for that” have. In the comments, many users agree and see the situation similarly. We read statements like “so Warzone becomes too heavy for casuals‘ and expressions of sympathy such as: ‘You’re right and you’re not the first to complain. It’s so annoying for everyone“.

The latest insider tip among the pros is the SG44, which with the right setup kills faster than the previous meta. But many have hardly noticed the weapon with less than 1% use rate in Warzone. Accordingly, the gun is of course not leveled, which reveals the big problem behind it.

CoD expert JGOD next to the new Vargo 52 assault rifle from Warzone
Streamers and pundits like JGOD are constantly recommending new meta weapons © Twitter: JGOD/Activision (montage)

Warzone patches so diligently that normal players are fed up

This bigger problem is behind it: In order for a weapon to reach its full potential, you need certain combinations of attachments and extras. With the right setup, a mediocre gun becomes a millisecond-killing meta-weapon. The problem with this: you have to laboriously unlock the right or best essays.

  • Leveling weapons in Warzone is very time-consuming
  • Gamers have long complained that Activision is artificially stretching the time here
  • As targeted leveling, there are only orders, the Plunder mode or, for Vanguard owners, the multiplayer mode
  • But even so, it feels like it takes until the next patch until you have even halfway unlocked the right attachments – but then the update has patched a new weapon to the meta.

Players feel like they’re on a hamster wheel, always chasing the delicious carrot/best weapon but never quite getting it. Activision is accused of forcing players to buy the current CoD in this way, otherwise they would level up much too slowly – “That’s how they make so much money.” is what it says on reddit.

That’s why it’s a difficult balancing act: Other players also make fun of the gambling family people. Because if there were no updates, Warzone would be terribly boring, they say. The same weapons at the top of the meta for months are not good for the game. This reveals a sensitive issue that all games that are constantly evolving struggle with.

You want to offer new incentives to gamble – such as new weapons, fresh perks and rewards. On the other hand, the game must be accessible to as many gamers as possible. Otherwise, at some point, the casuals will get frustrated and the game will die, since hardcore gamers and streamers alone are not enough.

If you don’t have that much time to keep leveling up new guns, here’s a weapon in Warzone that’s unbeatable even after three nerfs.