Pokémon Go: Kirlia – the 15 most effective counters in the raid

Pokémon Go: Kirlia - the 15 most effective counters in the raid

The Pokémon Go raid bosses have been rotated through again and if you don’t have a Galagladi or Gardevoir in your collection yet, you should go hunting now! Trasla is among the rarer Pokémon that appear in the Pokémon Go wild. That’s why it’s a real advantage if you can get Kirlia from the raids.

But watch out before you too quickly press the button to develop your Kirlia! Only male Kirlia are able to evolve into Galagladi using a Sinnoh Stone. Otherwise, both male and female Kirlia can evolve into Gardevoir. So you definitely need a Sinnoh Stone and a Male Kirlia if you want Galagladi. But just between us: Gardevoir is usually stronger than Galagladi!

Kirlia as a raid boss

Kirlia is dual type Psychic and Fairy. So the Pokemon has three weaknesses: Poison (boosted when the sky is overcast), Ghost (boosted when it was foggy), and Steel (boosted when it was snowing). Kirlia is not a particularly strong raid boss. However, if you’re new to Pokémon Go, check the in-app weather gauge (top right of the screen) to see if your attackers are getting a damage boost!

Kirlia only has 8,115 CP ready for you and is therefore an easy opponent. But if you’re just about to level up, just find a few other Pokémon Go players. They will surely help you out. Below is a list of the best counters against Kirlia.

  • Mega Gengar with dark claw and haunted ball
  • Crypto Metagross with bullet slash and star slash
  • Mega Bibor with Poison Slash and Sludge Bomb
  • skeleton with burden and haunted ball
  • meta gross with bullet slash and star slash
  • Crypto Mewtwo with psycho blade and haunted ball
  • Gengar with dark claw and haunted ball
  • Crypto Banette with dark claw and haunted ball
  • anego with acid and mud bomb
  • hoopa with astonishment and spooky ball
  • Hoopa (Unleashed Form) with astonishment and spooky ball
  • Crypto Traunmagil with burden and haunted ball
  • Crypto Scherox with a bullet and an iron skull
  • dialga with metal claw and iron skull
  • Crypto Giflor with acid and mud bomb
