Call of Duty Warzone update: this is all new!

Call of Duty Warzone: ​Start of Season 4 Reloaded - Unlock &  update info

Raven Software has the next update for Call of Duty: Warzone released. This is the first patch released just one day after the launch of Season 4 Reloaded is available. For this reason, several balancing changes are the focus of the patch notes. One type of weapon that is particularly affected is the sniper rifle. You can find out what you need to know about the new update here.

All sniper rifles optimized

The changes for sniper rifles in Season 3 of Call of Duty: Warzone, which significantly weakened numerous models. With the new update, all sniper weapons have now been improved again. In particular, specimens that offer a fast firing rate should now be more usable again in Season 4 Reloaded. How exactly the individual sniper models have been adjusted can be found in the current Raven Software patch notes look at.

Squirming perk has been toned down

Based on player feedback, the team has now made changes to the Squirming Perk performed. Previously, the perk was able to reduce a total of 20% of damage from bullets, explosions, and fire while sprinting. With the update, this value has now been changed from 20% to 15% lowered. The developers hope that this will reduce the impact – but the extra will remain useful.