You can pre-order the unofficial GBA pixel book soon

You can pre-order the unofficial GBA pixel book soon

After the pixel books for the SNES and the Sega Mega Drive, the next pixel book is approaching the pre-order phase.

The third pixel book by elektrospieler is this time about the Game Boy Advance.

Back to the GBA era

The GBA pixel book is about games like Advance Wars, Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, Metroid Fusion, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Golden Sun and Sword of Mana, among others.

In short: A lot of retro feeling awaits you this time with the usual, large-format illustrations and additional texts.

More on the subject:

The advance sale of the GBA pixel book is to start “soon”, at the beginning there is an early bird campaign with an exclusive extra.

We will keep you up to date and let you know when pre-orders will be possible.