T-Low Charges – Shows private chat history

T-Low and Danny in the chat history

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Of: Philip Hansen

YouTuber Danny shunned after rape scandal Companion, rap star T-Low, now shows his last conversations with him.

Nuremberg – The YouTuber Danny was convicted of double rape. Rapper T-Low was considered a close companion for a long time, but did not want to comment on the subject. Now he has published the chat history with the convicted criminal on Instagram. There we see the latest news and an emotional farewell. What does the rising star say about the man despised by Twitch Germany?

Full name Daniel
Known as Danny
birthday not known
Place of birth Nuremberg
Subscribers on YouTube 148,000 (as of July 2022)
Followers on Twitch 249,000 (as of July 2022)

Danny scandal doesn’t stop for T-Low: “Still in touch with Danny?”

T-Low and Danny’s past: T-Low is a rising rapper in 2022, who even stormed to the top of the charts in Germany with songs like “We Made It”. So he’s big in business. Bully YouTuber Danny was a close friend for a long time and has followed T-Low’s career in numerous vlogs.

When it became known in July that Danny had been convicted of rape, Twitch Germany was on fire. In response, his companion distanced himself from him. Today, on August 2, 2022, T-Low expresses himself emotionally about Danny and answers a frequently asked question.

That’s what T-Low says today: The fans won’t let T-Low rest and pester the rapper with questions about Danny. T-Low was asked if he was still in touch with Danny. After initial rejections, the rapper went all out and responded via Instagram. There you can see the chat history between T-Low and Danny as a screenshot with explanations.

  • A voice message from T-Low to Danny is seen on Wednesday July 20th
  • Friday July 22nd shows another voice message from T-Low to Danny
  • We don’t see answers from Danny. The convict’s last reaction is a heart, but the date is not visible here.
  • As a conclusion, T-Low himself writes that he wishes Danny all the best for the future.

For many readers, this shows that T-Low cannot completely forget his long-time companion deep inside. Here you can get an idea of ​​it for yourself. Since the Insta-Story will disappear soon, here is the picture:

T-Low and Danny in the chat history
T-Low and Danny chat history © Instagram / T-Low, August 2, 2022

Here’s what you need to know about the chat: Even if the screenshot is really from T-Low, we can’t be 100% sure that it shows everything. With WhatsApp, messages can be deleted or we don’t see all the time information. Also, we don’t know when the screenshot was taken. Of course, we don’t hear what T-Low told Danny via voicemail either. So keep the proverbial, healthy dose of skepticism.

After the Danny scandal – This is how streamers, YouTubers and old friends react

This is how T-Low reacted first: after the Danny scandal broke, T-Low stayed quiet for a while. Only later did he say: “I’m shocked myself, super confused and don’t know how to deal with the situation.”. He was apparently already aware of the rape allegations against Danny, but at the time he had sided with his friend. After the court ruled against Danny, the singer was shocked and spoke of Danny’s lies.

The YouTuber Danny in an excerpt from his video.
YouTuber Danny convicted of rape – ex-girlfriend advert © YouTube: Danny

T-Low also urges his followers to stop bringing him up on the subject. It didn’t quite work out that well, since he now spoke again – or had to speak because of the fan comments.

How did the Twitch celebrities react? Thousands of Danny fans were shocked by the verdict and former companions also spoke up. The terms “Danny” and “rape” trended on Twitter, among other things.

  • MontanaBlack is shocked. He then calls for tougher penalties for rapists.
  • Papaplatte has distanced himself from Danny and deleted a song together.
  • Niekbeats defended Danny and previously wrote with the YouTuber’s ex-girlfriend. There he called the ex-girlfriend “a sick person” and Danny “a dear soul”. Niekbeats has since apologized for this.
  • Casino streamers spoke of double standards in the German Twitch scene

In January 2021, YouTube caused a sexism scandal for the first time. There Danny received a shit storm because of a sexist saying about a streamer.

Have you yourself been a victim of sexual violence or do you have a similar case in your circle of acquaintances? The Federal Office for Family Helpline on 08000 116 016 will give you free advice and round-the-clock support.
