F1 22: Crossplay is coming! Test phase starts at the weekend

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The developers of Codemasters have already announced the release of F1 22 indicate that the desired by many fans cross play added after launch. Now the team is putting the promise into practice and letting you on the weekend take a first look at the function in the racing game. In these test phases, fans have the opportunity to friendly race as well as the Two player career to play with friends – regardless of the platform of the participants.

When is the crossplay test running?

On two separate weekends, Codemasters will pre-release the in-game crossplay feature. The first phase has already started and will end on August 7th at 1 p.m. A week later you have another chance. Here the test runs from August 12th to 14th. If you want to participate, you have to crossplay in the Activate options. You can then invite players from other platforms or join a lobby yourself.

Which platforms offer crossplay?

According to the developers, all platforms on which F1 22 is available will also have crossplay support. So you can all play F1 22 together – whether you’re on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S or Xbox One. If you don’t feel like crossplay, disable the function in the settings. This will keep you connected only to players from your console family. The launch of the crossplay feature is for end of August planned – as long as everything goes smoothly during the test.

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