Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 white version unboxing video leaked

Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 white version unboxing video leaked

from Benjamin Grundken
Although Microsoft hasn’t announced anything of the sort, an unboxing video of an alternative Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 is now making the rounds. It’s a white version – which may go on sale soon.

It is not the first find of this kind, as the first pictures of a packaging were already available in March. Now the white version of the Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 rises again from the depths of the internet. Unspectacular in how the content comes across, you could easily mistake it for one of many other unboxing videos. However, Microsoft hasn’t announced the white version of its Elite 2 controller to date: so it exists just this one video.

White Xbox Elite Controller Series 2: Packaged but no announcement yet

Also curious is that the unannounced Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 ran in front of the lens of a YouTube user with only five subscribers. If the twitterer “Rebs Gaming” hadn’t accidentally spotted him, the video might still have passed the Xbox and PC community under “also ran”. “I believe this is our first video footage of the Xbox Elite Series 2 White Edition Controller”, commented the twitterer his find. Previously, there was only one picture of the repainted version. This one had “@IdleSloth84” spread in March

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In the video, the white gamepad makes the same high-quality impression as existing variants of the Xbox Elite Controller Series 2. It is obvious that the technology in the new housing is identical. You can currently only buy the gamepad in a black robe. Although Microsoft also released a special edition in the Halo style, it was strictly limited and is no longer available at fair prices.

When the new Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 will launch remains unknown as Microsoft remains silent. Judging by the packaged condition, the white gamepads are currently going on sale. It should be noted at this point, however, that the recording published in March obviously showed copies ready for dispatch. Five months later, however, there is still no announcement.

Source: youtube, Twitter