3D Realms, Slipgate and THQ Nordic reveal secret project

3D Realms, Slipgate and THQ Nordic reveal secret project

Fredrik Schreiberin his capacity as CEO Slipgate Ironworks (developer studio of Graven) and 3D realmsthe spiritual Duke Nukem 3D-Successor Ion Fury are responsible for, the gaming community points to a larger game reveal.

He explains today on his Twitter channel that tomorrow, Friday, August 12, 2022 there is a significant revelation.

This revelation is so remarkable because it is already complete three years worked on the project – namely Slipgate Ironworks and 3D Realms in cooperation with THQ Nordic.

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The new game will be up tomorrow night 9 p.m. German time on the Youtube channel revealed by THQ Nordic.

Why is this news making such waves?

We’ve known that since April 2022 THQ Nordic on August 12, 2022, a digital showcase will flicker across home screens. This includes “new games and updates” to existing games. But it is not yet certain which games will be in the end.

The YouTube star uses this gaming tech Elotrix:

Frederik Schreiber explains that with the new game, which has been in development for more than three years Video game industry veterans could gather. This is mostly a good sign.

There’s also talk of a game that the first-person shooter fan has wanted to create since he was a little boy was. A childhood dream is coming true for Schreiber, it seems.

It is quite obvious that this is a First person shooter with a special concept acts.

After all, 3D Realms does quite well with its in-house first-person shooter line, which is aimed at boomers (i.e. old hands in gaming) and is therefore also popular with the in-house developers Boomer shooter be designated.

Maybe it’s a remake of Duke Nukem 3Done Heretic or witch adaptation how Amid Evil from New Blood Interactive or leave the shooter genre behind.

But exactly what it will be remains a mystery until tomorrow. What do you think it could be?
