Thymesia: Test comparison of German magazines [2/6] – News

Thymesia: Test comparison of German magazines [2/6] - News

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In our grade comparison Thymesia we list tests, reviews, ratings or whatever from the following German online game magazines – regardless of the fact that some of them also publish print offers (aka booklets): BS (Computer Bild Spiele), (& GamePro. de), (&, and, of course, – whereby we politely place ourselves at the end of the review list. What is important to us: A rating can only be a rough description of the game quality – please read the respective test report before you comment on a grade that might be out of the ordinary. The magazines and no longer appear since they decided to no longer write a rating under their tests.

Rating comparison: Thymesia

Review by note/link Quote from the review
computer image games Not tested*
GameStar /
74 / 73
v. 100
Thymesia is anything but mainstream. Before you buy the action game, you should therefore be clear about what you can expect for 30 euros. Thymesia is only suitable for those who enjoy enormous playful challenges, who want to study multi-phase boss fights and derive their satisfaction from the absurdly high learning curve.
GIGA Not tested*
PC Games /
Not tested*
Game Tips Not tested*
GamersGlobal 7.0
v. 10
Overborder Studio didn’t disappoint either, I had a really fun six hours with the debut – despite various small weaknesses. This is not least due to the extremely fast and demanding combat system that, thanks to the wound mechanics, constantly encourages you to stay close to the opponent and not miss any chances. However, I would have liked more budget in some places.
average rating 7.2 *Last checked: 16.8.2022, 18:55

We calculate the average rating based on the 10 system, so a “75” corresponds to a 7.5. Of course, the rating systems and philosophies differ in detail. If a magazine awards different ratings or grades depending on the platform, we use the highest for the average. If a test has been published by a magazine in the meantime, which is marked as “Not tested” here, we would be happy if you mention the rating along with a link as a comment.