EA own goal: FIFA 23 was only 6 cents in India for a short time

The most important topics of play5 09/22

Football fans in India had a chance for a brief moment to see the upcoming FIFA 23 at an unbelievably low price Epic Games Store to pre-order. Accordingly, the packed Ultimate edition of the title for merely 4.80 Indian rupee listed. That’s the equivalent of just about 0.06 euros. For comparison: The FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition currently costs in this country 89.99 euros. Of course this was one price errorwhich has since been corrected.

Pre-orderers get to keep the game

The “offer” quickly made the rounds on the Internet and numerous users grabbed the football simulation. In most cases will pre-orders, where there is such a price error, later cancelled. However, FIFA 23 will not be one of them this time. In an email to Sportskeeda EA confirmed that all players who have dusted off the Ultimate Edition for 0.06 euros in the Epic Games Store, the title may keep.

“A few weeks ago we scored quite a spectacular own goal when we accidentally canceled the pre-orders of FIFA 23 Incorrectly priced on the Epic Games Store. It was our fault and we wanted to let you know that we will honor any pre-orders made at this price.” – it says in the statement from EA. This year, PC gamers can also use the Next gen version of FIFA 23.

FIFA 23 | PREVIEW | Is the last FIFA also the best FIFA ever?
