Energy Saving Ordinance: These are the regulations from today

Energy Saving Ordinance: These are the regulations from today

from Claus Ludewig
The Energy Saving Ordinance came into force with immediate effect. We summarize what from 1.9. applies to private individuals and companies.

Last year there was record inflation in Germany, so consumer prices have risen significantly. The rise in prices for electricity and gas is particularly severe. The Ukraine war has been raging since February 24, which has not only claimed many lives and driven people from their homes, but also has economic consequences. Germany obtains a large part of its natural gas from the Russian state-owned company Gazprom. Gas is delivered to the Federal Republic via the Nord Stream pipeline, although the delivery volume has recently fallen sharply. However, millions of people heat their homes with gas heating. To secure the energy supply is now an energy saving ordinance will come into force on September 1st kicked.

How high can the heating still be?

Both private individuals and the public sector have to save energy for six months. Tenants no longer have to adhere to clauses in the rental agreement that revolve around a certain minimum temperature. If you have a pool in your garden, you can no longer heat it with gas and electricity. However, you can continue to use your own gaming PC, TV and Co. without restrictions. You can also save power when playing, as we show in the special in PCGH 09/2022. You can also save a bit with multiple sockets including an on/off switch.

Anyone who works in public buildings must dress warmer from now on. Public buildings may only be heated to a maximum of 19 degrees Celsius. An upper temperature limit of 18 degrees Celsius only applies if activities are mainly performed while standing or walking. If medium-heavy activities are carried out mainly while standing or walking, 16 degrees Celsius is the upper limit, for physically demanding activities it is 12 degrees Celsius. Hospitals, nursing homes and other social facilities are exempt from this rule. In retail, shop doors must remain closed, only escape routes must remain open. In addition, advertisements may only be illuminated to a limited extent. Nothing is mandatory in office buildings, but employers are allowed to follow the lead of the public sector. A second ordinance will come into force on October 1st. For example, companies with an annual energy consumption of 10 gigawatt hours or more must implement economic energy efficiency measures, such as switching to LED lighting and optimizing work processes to save electricity.

Also worth reading: [PLUS] Saving electricity by undervolting graphics cards and CPUs: huge potential

Collection of the Energy Saving Ordinance:

  • To secure the energy supply, an energy saving regulation came into force on September 1st. Both private individuals and the public sector have to save energy for six months.
  • Tenants no longer have to adhere to clauses in the rental agreement that revolve around a certain minimum temperature. If you have a pool in your garden, you can no longer heat it with gas and electricity.
  • In public buildings, the maximum temperature may be 19 degrees Celsius. In retail, shop doors must remain closed, only escape routes must remain open. In addition, advertisements may only be illuminated to a limited extent.

Source: BMWK