WoW Dragonflight: Attention Demon Hunters! Burning wound is changed!

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from Karsten Scholz
Meanwhile, you can try out the new Demon Hunter talent trees in the WoW: Dragonflight beta. It is clear, for example, that the rune carving power Burning Wound will be one of the improvements in the upcoming expansion – but in an adapted variant.

Who is currently playing the beta of the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft or in our Special on the skills and talents of the demon hunters in WoW: Dragonflight leafed through who knows: The rune carving power Burning wound will be making a comeback in the Desolation talent tree! However, players and developers alike are dissatisfied with the current status quo of the talent. A key point here is how Burning Wound’s effect is applied, through a demon bite.

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This is what Blizzard is planning for Burning Wound

in the official WoW forum Blizzard developers announced adjustments for Burning Wound over the weekend. Here are the key takeaways from the post:

  • In Shadowlands, it was okay that the Legendary Burning Wound effect was limited to a limited time window and affected the rotation – after all, there are a whole range of options for the legendary memories.
  • With Burning Wound as a permanent talent option, however, things are different, which is why you would like to implement some adjustments here.
  • The plan is: The DoT of Burning Wound will no longer be applied by demon bite, but by throwing a glaive.
  • Burning Wound’s DoT deals 25 percent less damage.
  • Burning Wound Immolation Aura bonus reduced from 65 percent to 45 percent.
  • The effect can be applied to a maximum of three targets.