WoW WotLK Classic: Blizzard declares ban wave for Alterac Valley Leecher

Heroes of the Storm: Anub'arak

from Karsten Scholz
After the recent wave of bans, which flushed numerous honor farmers from Alterac Valley and all of Azeroth from WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic, those responsible for Blizzard have now spoken out.

We reported about it: In the last few days, in the pre-patch phase of WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic banned numerous playerswho had extensively farmed honor in Alterac Valley with their newly created death knights or other characters. The accusation: “PvP Non-Participation/Exploitation”, or also: You should not have properly participated in battlefield and arena games. Also wouldn’t be the first time in WoW’s long history that players park their characters on the big battlefield somewhere in the middle of nowhere and then do semi-afk/afk something else (partly using bots or other tools) .

WoW WotLK Classic: 10 things you should do in the pre-patch – official video

Blizzard declares Alterac Valley Leecher ban wave

in the Community Council section of the official WoW forum developer Pazorax has now joined a discussion about the latest wave of bans. A criticism of those affected is that Blizzard has never clearly defined what is understood as “PvP Non-Participation” and when to properly participate in a battle. Or to put it another way: Why are you banned just for defending a tower?