Pokémon GO starts next week’s star event with a new cosmovum and raid tag

Pokémon GO Cosmovum Solgaleo Lunala

In Pokémon GO, the “Stars of Evolution” event starts next Wednesday. Cosmovum awaits you as a new Pokémon. In addition, the current special research continues and special raids are active. We’ll show you the details.

What is this event? Niantic had already announced this star event before the official announcement. Now we know that Cosmovum will debut and be released in it. There is also a raid tag with Mega Gyarados. And as is typical of the event, special spawns, raids and field research await you.

We show you all the details about the “Stars of Development Event” in the overview.

Stars of development – date, times, bonuses, raid day, research

When does it start? The event starts on Wednesday (October 5) at 10:00 local time. It will then be active until Tuesday (11 October) at 20:00 local time.

New Pokemon: At the event you can meet Cosmovum for the first time. It is a legendary Psychic-type Pokémon from the seventh generation of games. It is the evolution of Cosmog and can evolve into Solgaleo or Lunala.

For 50 candies you can evolve Cosmog into Cosmovum. You can read how strong Cosmog and its three further developments are on MeinMMO.

This is what Cosmovum, Solgaleo and Lunala look like

Bonuses: The next tasks of the Season of Light special research “A Cosmic Companion” will be unlocked during the Stars of Evolution event.

You can earn stardust, development items, and mega energy in field research.

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A collector’s challenge at the event revolves around evolving Pokémon. And for this you will receive further development items as a reward.

A development cup is running in PvP. Only Pokemon that have 1,500 WP or less can participate. In addition, the participants must already have developed and be able to develop again.

Pokemon in the wild: During the event you will meet the following Pokémon in the wild (Pokémon marked with a star* can be found as Shiny):

  • kokuna
  • pigeon boga
  • Quaputzi
  • cadabra
  • alpollo
  • rhinoceros*
  • seamon
  • scythe*
  • Eevee*
  • squeak*
  • Trasla*
  • twilight*
  • Zappplardin
  • lightel
  • eguana

Raids during the event:

Step bosses
1 Flegmon*
sun core*
3 magneton
5 Yveltal* (Until October 8th)
Xerneas* (From October 8th)
Mega Mega Sloppy* (Until October 8th)
Mega Voltenso* (From October 8th)

Raid tag with Mega Gyarados and higher Shiny chance

When is this running? October 8th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This is a Saturday.

What happens there? Raids with Mega Gyarados appear significantly more frequently on the arenas. Each trainer also earns up to five additional Raid Passes for free by spinning arena photo discs.

In addition, the chance of shiny Gyarados is increased.

How do you like the outlook for the upcoming Development Stars event? Has Niantic found the right content for you and are you already looking forward to many development items or your first Cosmovum? Or is it the raid day that is the highlight of the event for you?

Write us your opinion about this event here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers about the content.

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