How old is your oldest playable MMORPG character?

Which content in MMORPGs is the most boring?

Some MMORPGs are still actively played despite their old age. Do you have any real veterans with very old characters that are still playable?

One of the main characteristics of MMORPGs is that they can (at least in theory) be played over a very long period of time. And some of them will too:

Some players who commit to an MMORPG end up playing it pretty much non-stop. Others take breaks but always come back to the games, reactivate their accounts and continue playing.

And when you play an MMORPG for a very long time, you also develop a certain connection to your characters. After all, you put a hell of a lot of time and effort into them.

They are often associated with special memories, such as the first joint raid with friends or other cool experiences in the game. Then it would be a shame to simply delete them.

So we want to know from you: do you still have characters that are really old but still playable?

How can I vote? As always, you can cast your vote using the poll tool below. Note that everyone has only one vote and the choice cannot be undone.

So try to remember how old your oldest playable character is, at least approximately.

Tell us in the comments which result you voted for. Is this your oldest character ever, or did you have others in the past that have now been deleted or are offline forever? What memories do you associate with these characters?

Have fun voting!