Jurassic World: VR game makes the jump to the Nintendo Switch

Jurassic World: VR game makes the jump to the Nintendo Switch

Exciting dinosaur games are rare. The developer studio Coatsink has with the help of reality labs the popular Jurassic World Aftermath built for the VR cosmos.

And there’s good news: the game will soon be available in a non-VR version for the Nintendo switch.

But what is “Jurassic World Aftermath” anyway and is it worth a look? If you haven’t heard of this title, you should prick up your ears now, because it might be worth it!

What is Jurassic World Aftermath?

What is Jurassic World Aftermath about? The dino game puts us in the shoes of the main character Sam and we find ourselves on the Isla Nublar, which we know from the “Jurassic World” films. The game is set between Jurassic World and Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom.

More specifically, after the fall of the amusement park, we end up in one research Institute, where we need to recover secret information. But our main character would probably not have been faced with a dangerous crash landing expected. Gone stupid.

The game confronts us with puzzles and exploration the island. Sounds relaxed for a first person game. If only it weren’t for them three velociraptorsbreathing down our necks?

At the gameplay level, there are different tools that help solve the puzzles or dodge the dinosaurs.

Jurassic World Aftermath Collection for Nintendo Switch

Now the two-parter leaves the VR cosmos. He ventures into hybrid realms. The game appears for the first time for a console and that would immediately be the versatile Nintendo Switch.

When is the Jurassic World Aftermath Collection coming out? The game will be released on November 10, 2022 for the Nintendo Switch. And about the eShop by Nintendo.

Those responsible currently have no plans for the game Playstation or Xbox to publish.

How much does the game cost? Jurassic World Aftermath Collection costs 29.99 euros in the Nintendo eShop. But there is the Collection, i.e. both parts of the episode game.

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With the re-launch, the game loses the VR aspect and we first have to see whether it can convince without VR inserts. Coatsink says about this fact:

“The non-VR version of the game is designed to allow people without access to VR or those suffering from motion sickness from VR to play the game.”

On the Oculus Quest could at least watch the game numerous positive voices delight. But it remains to be seen whether the Switch version will do as well.
