CoD Modern Warfare 2 inspires players with its campaign – “I immediately got goosebumps”

CoD Modern Warfare 2 inspires players with its campaign – "I immediately got goosebumps"

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 released its campaign 8 days before the official release and it was a hit. MeinMMO shows you the first reactions to the story and the CoD community has rarely been in agreement: the campaign is fantastic.

The story campaigns of Call of Duty often have a difficult time. Many players only play the shooter in multiplayer, the elaborately staged campaigns like to be ignored.

Modern Warfare 2 has come up with a trick for this: Digital pre-orders are already included in the campaign 8 days before the release, and the first reactions show that many multiplayer players have used the time to watch the story after all.

And hardly anyone has regretted it – the first votes on the game are available on MeinMMO. We embed the trailer of the campaign here:

CoD: Modern Warfare 2 shows the campaign in the launch trailer

CoD MW2: Campaign – Early access provides praise

What are the reactions? Whether on reddit, YouTube or Twitter – during our research we could hardly find any negative voices about the game. There are occasional bugs, some mission designs are a little weird, and Xbox players were having issues launching Early Access.

But otherwise, many players shower the campaign with praise that has not been seen in CoD for a long time. The positive points are:

  • The graphics blow many people away
  • The story is a good mix of nostalgia and innovation
  • The 8-day early access was a brilliant idea

Here we collect a few votes from the community for you:

  • primal_warrior95 on YouTube: “I got goosebumps the first time I heard the voice of Simon Riley [Ghost] heard. And the good shepherd is back too. OMG, the old MW2 vibes are coming up again”
  • The currently largest thread in the new subreddit of MW2: “Whoever decided to release the campaign a week early deserves a bonus or a raise.”
  • @ItzSykadelic on Twitter: “Not quite through yet, but so far the campaign is great. At some points it’s hard to tell if you’re playing a game or watching a movie.”
  • Klabauter on MeinMMO: “[…] I’ve been in the campaign for 2 hours now and I have to say: really good. Really good so far. Not just shooting bluntly, many story scenes and the missions are pleasantly entertaining. I’m glad that there is this early access. Otherwise I probably would have skipped the campaign again.”

Comments like this are everywhere. With the campaign and early access, the creators of MW2 have done everything right if you look at the first votes.

CoD Modern Warfare 2 campaign is online – All information in 2 minutes

What are the biggest criticisms? There isn’t much. But some mission designs in particular cause some criticism.

For example, there is a stealth mission in which you are alone. Some players found the mission too difficult, too obscure. @itsKapoow writes something like: “[…] until you get to the mission “Alone” and you want to throw your console out the window” (via

But here too there are positive voices who are happy about the challenge and try to complete the difficult sneak mission without being discovered.

Overall, the reactions are really very positive.

How long is the story? The first players pulled through after the release and already finished the story. You say:

  • The campaign has 17 missions
  • The story takes about 5 to 6 hours on normal difficulty

Have you already checked it out? Share your thoughts on the campaign with us and the community in the comments.

If you prefer to find out more about Modern Warfare 2, you can find all the information here: All information about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Release, Content and Leaks