now the consequences are catching up to him

The two YouTubers Cake TV and Simex

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Of: Philip Hansen

Scandal streamer Simex exploits the alleged death of young YouTuber Arian Ajeli. Cake TV and AlphaKevin complain about disgusting clickbait.

Hamburg – A new scandal about Simex has broken out on YouTube. Other Twitch streamers are already avoiding Simex, but the multiple exploitation and downright milking of Arian’s disappearance are becoming more and more grotesque. Cake TV and AlphaKevin are now stepping in and exposing the clickbait scam that has been going on for months.

German YouTuber overdoes it with clickbait so much that colleagues only complain about “disgusting”.

New scandal about Simex: In the past, Simex has caused negative impact times several times. Simex often clashed with twitch giant MontanaBlack or threw dog feces at a pedestrian. But now he’s become a literal scavenger – or at least pretends to be.

Because of his latest (mis)behaviour, AlphaKevin and CakeTV are now hitting it hard on Simex. The currently used clickbait scam is for his YouTube colleagues “disgusting“, “godless” and “disgusting“.

This is the new clickbait scam: Simex addresses the disappearance of Arian on YouTube. In doing so, however, he walks over corpses and reports on the supposed illness and even the death of his young colleague. Small spoiler for all videos: There is no concrete information about the condition of Arian, who disappeared on social media, at Simex or anywhere else.

  • Simex publishes videos on YouTube that pretend that there is new information about the whereabouts of the popular Arian.
  • Words such as illness, death or secret meetings are advertised in the titles and thumbnails without actually fulfilling these claims.
  • For example, Simex has a headline on YouTube: “Arian is no more… The sad truth” or “Arian wrote to me“.
  • Lo and behold, the clicks of such videos are well above the average of Simex other range.
  • AlphaKevin took the trouble to count it: a total of 15 videos are said to have appeared on the Simex channel since the disappearance. All of them have Arian in the title or thumbnail and don’t really offer any concrete information.
  • But other (sometimes smaller) YouTubers jump on the train and use the same methods to create macabre clicks from disappearance.
The two YouTubers Cake TV and Simex
New scandal about Simex: brazenly declares disappeared YouTube dead – “Most disgusting clickbait” © Cake TV / Simex / YouTube (Montage)

Clicks are made with former YouTuber Arian Ajeli

This is the missing Arian: Arian Ajeli is a German YouTuber who took full advantage of the Fortnite hype. There was gameplay and talk about the Battle Royale on several channels and the viewers rewarded it with millions of clicks. Surprisingly, Arian then disappeared from the public eye without much explanation.

In 2021 he uploaded his last video to YouTube, there has been radio silence on Instagram since September 2021 – until today. The sudden disappearance of Arian is still an open question that worries some viewers. And it is precisely this interest that Simex and others are only too happy to serve.

Arian Ajeli has stopped streaming due to heart disease

Even though there are many rumors about Arian Ajeli’s sudden end of streaming on YouTube, the reason is not as mysterious as many think. A little over a year ago, Arian Ajeli was diagnosed with narrowing of the coronary arteries (angina pectoris). This usually ensures that the heart does not get enough oxygen in some situations. Many patients are advised to make lifestyle changes and reduce stress. This is what Arian seems to have done.

This is how CakeTV and AlphaKevin react: Both Cake TV and AlphaKevin, 2 well-known German YouTubers, became aware of Simex’s scams in October 2022. The contentless exploitation of Arian does not go down well with either of them. Descriptions like “Most disgusting clickbait“ plentiful. The spectators are also appalled. We bind you here the video from 15.10. on YouTube:

Who is Simex anyway? The content creator has 629,000 subscribers on YouTube and is best known for Fortnite videos. But he resorted to more than questionable tricks to become popular: He allegedly played Fortnite with a boy suffering from Corona. Then this boy is said to have died, which is not true.

He then caused scandals abroad with some real-life videos. So he threw dog feces at a passer-by and carried out his separation with his girlfriend in front of the camera. In 2022 he will be uploading new Fortnite videos every day again, with moderate success. Much of the twitch and streamer scene is avoiding persona non grata Simex because of all the scandals. German casino streamers have also recently caused major scandals: Scurrows is urging lawyers on his haters and chanting: “I won’t put up with it”.