How Yoda little Grogu will speak?

How Yoda little Grogu will speak?

baby yoda aka Grogu is already a real star in the galaxy far, far away from star Wars. And he has until now (before The Mandalorian season 3) still not said a word.

But will Grogu actually speak the same way as Yoda or does he speak more normally? We can now answer that with certainty.

How exactly does Yoda speak?

Yoda is pretty particular about that. Yoda uses one completely different sentence structure, than we do nowadays. Surprise, surprise. Now that comes as no surprise. But to understand exactly how Master Yoda speaks, we first need to look at normal sentence structure.

A sentence with normal sentence structure consists of the following components, which Yoda twists as follows:

  • Our language: object (I), verb (understand), subject (the sentence)
  • Yoda’s language: subject (no word), object (I), verb (understand)

Here is our example sentence: “I understand the sentence.”
Twisting the Yoda slightly: “I don’t understand a word.”

So Yoda uses a twisted combination of in his language Subject-Object Verbwhile we usually use object-verb-subject speak.

This results in the infamous sentences like:

“The greatest teacher is failure.” – Yoda
“Failure is the greatest teacher.” – People

Does everyone in Star Wars talk like Yoda?

Even after over 50 years of Star Wars is a great mystery in the lore still unsolved. And that’s the question after that Yoda species. What species does Yoda actually belong to?

While some details are known about the species itself – like the fact that they can live up to 1000 years – we don’t know the name of the species at least yet.

But what about the language now? Do all individuals of this species speak like Yoda?

no That’s not the case. Although we might now assume that it might be a natural evolution in the language of the Yoda species, that’s clearly not the case.

For example, there is the individual Yaddle. The Jedi Master of the High Council is around the times of the clone wars 500 years old. So she’s quite a bit younger than Yoda.

In Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi we hear her voice. It is spoken here in the original by the actress and film director Bryce Dallas Howard.

And surprise: She speaks quite normally here, which suggests that other individuals such as Grogu should also speak quite normally in the “Star Wars” universe. Yoda is probably just his own house number or he’s just getting a little old? What do you all mean?

Good to know: By the way, there was in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences an article a few years ago stating that people in the past actually always spoke like Yoda. Indo-European tribes (like the Germans) are said to have used such a sentence structure.

Perhaps George Lucas was inspired by this fact?